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Good news report from Canada

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5 July 2008

14 June 2008 was the 14th day of the twelfth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

14 June 2008

Canwest News Service - Ottawa relents, amends bill on natural remedies (14 June 2008) In a surprising about-face, Health Minister Tony Clement has agreed to key demands of the natural health products industry after it launched a campaign against restrictions on homeopathic medicines and herbal remedies in new legislation—Bill C-51. When Mr Clement proposed amendments to the Food and Drugs Act in April, natural medicines were lumped in with pharmaceutical drugs, raising concerns they would be subject to the same type of oversight. He now admits it was a mistake not to create a separate category under the law. 'So, I listened to that, I listened to my own caucus, who were getting the feedback from people as well, and to me it was a no-brainer. We can make the bill a better bill.'

The government is now proposing to insert a definition of natural health products into the Food and Drugs Act to 'clearly recognize' that they're distinct from foods and drugs under the law. As a lower-risk product than prescription drugs, the government is proposing other changes to make it clear natural medicines will follow a different process to get to market. The new amendments make explicit mention that traditional knowledge and history of use can be considered for obtaining authorization to sell a natural health product. The changes come after the Canadian Health Food Association, which represents manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, organized rallies across the country calling for natural health products to be recognized as a consumer product distinct from food and drugs.

Mr Clement met last week with association representatives. 'We want to give full credit to the Minister for hearing the concerns and trying to find ways to address the concerns,' president Penelope Marrett said. Mr Clement also acknowledged the legislation needed to be clarified to assuage concerns about the power of inspectors to enter health-food stores and seize their products. The new amendments say inspectors can detain a product only to identify or prevent a health risk or to prevent inaccurate representations. And a seized article can be detained only for the time needed to decide whether the product is dangerous.

Canwest News Service - Commuters changing ways: poll (14 June 2008) Millions of Canadian commuters are changing the way they get to work rather than paying the price at the pump, according to an Ipsos Reid poll conducted for Canwest News Service and Global National. The poll of 1,002 Canadians conducted this week, found that over the last six months 37 per cent of commuters were walking to work more and 31 per cent were switching to gas-efficient cars such as smaller vehicles. The results also indicate that 24 per cent of commuters were increasingly opting for carpooling, and 14 per cent were working more from home. Nine per cent of those polled said they took the drastic measure of moving closer to work. 'We have individuals being affected on a day-to-day basis in their commuting behaviour, and the shift-over is in the millions,' said John Wright, senior vice-president of Ipsos Reid. By his calculations, more than 6.7 million commuters were walking to work more often.

The Saskatoon StarPhoenix - Break-ins in Saskatoon fall 16 per cent (14 June 2008) The first four months of 2008 saw a 16 per cent drop in break-and-enter crimes in Saskatoon over the same period in 2007. Saskatoon has also seen a 13.5 per cent reduction in crimes against persons this year compared to 2007. A crime reduction strategy combining intervention, supervision, and offender rehabilitation was launched four years ago and is delivered through a partnership that includes the Saskatoon Tribal Council, Central Urban Metis Federation Inc., Metis Family and Community Justice Services, the City of Saskatoon, and several provincial ministries. 'I've been in Saskatoon myself for 40 years and realizing the stats that we do have now, it's just tremendous,' Oliver Cameron, acting tribal chief of the Saskatoon Tribal Council, said. 'It's a big relief when we, as First Nations people or aboriginal people, open the paper and we don't read about crime stats, we read about the good things.'

The Toronto Star - Housing project making green history (14 June 2008) Construction has begun on Evergreen, a C$100-million joint development by the Monarch Corporation and the Toronto Economic Development Corporation. Evergreen will become the largest, green low-rise residential project in Canada. The 206 singles and townhouses to be constructed to basic LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Houses standards will double the number of green houses in Canada, according to Mayor David Miller. They will also serve as a model for the Toronto Green Building Standard. The homes will save its residents about C$900 a year in energy bills over conventionally built homes, Miller said at Wednesday's groundbreaking.

The Globe and Mail - From the classroom to a world of possibility (14 June 2008) Master of ceremonies Pat Lang, president of Thunder Bay's Confederation College, praised Judy Flett for her remarkable success in teaching business entrepreneurship to aboriginal youth. Lang also thanked the special guests former prime minister Paul Martin; Chief Joshua Frogg of Wawakapewin First Nation; Charles Fox, former grand chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation; and various elders.

Paul Martin, the once-successful businessman was no longer prime minister in January of 2006 and could have retired to his millions or taken seats on his choice of boards. Instead, he decided he would devote his late 60s and 70s to helping Canada's aboriginals. He had come across a 20-year-old programme that was designed to encourage tough inner-city kids in places such as New York to think about business. But would it be possible, he wondered, to translate an inner-city American solution to an outer-city Canadian problem?

He got in touch with Carlana Lindeman, a Saskatchewan-born educator with a particular interest in aboriginal education. Lindeman agreed to travel to New York to see the programme's results first-hand, and then to Los Angeles to take the teaching course herself. With Martin funding all costs through a personal foundation called the Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative, Lindeman began the search for the proper school to host a pilot project. She chose Cromarty High in Thunder Bay, a former public high school now financed by Indian Affairs. Judy Flett, a Cree from Tataskweyak, was already there and seemed perfect for the job. Lindeman lined up mentors and bankers who could offer advice to the students. She says it was easy: 'Mr Martin's name opened the doors.'

The first class had 15 students. Organizers were told they would be lucky if three completed the two-year course—yet nine students marched up to receive their certificates from Martin on Thursday. Encouraged, Martin is now funding five more projects in the four western provinces and in Nunavut. Lindeman is now the full-time programme director.

On Thursday, the Grade 11s also made presentations on the small businesses they were going to be setting up. Chelsea McKay is typical of the students. When she arrived, she could not even look a stranger in the eyes; the day she graduated, she stood and, in a strong confident voice, thanked the former prime minister for making this all possible. Former Nishnawbe Aski Nation grand chief Charles Fox told the graduates, 'You can fly ... you can reach for the sky!'

The Globe and Mail - Ancient bones home for a native burial (14 June 2008) As eagles soared overhead, members of the Coast Salish Tseycum first nation on Vancouver Island reburied their lost ancestors. The ceremony started at daybreak, with songs and prayers and a secret dance that does not even have a name. 'It's been a long time since they've been in the sacred ground they were put in,' said Elmer George, a minister from the neighbouring Songhees Nation, who presided over the ceremony. Mr George said the Tseycum people know that their ancestors brought back to their traditional territory will have peace. Members of several Coast Salish bands attended, many with traditional paint streaked on their faces, meant to ward off spirits during the burial.

From a Victoria Times Colonist report: 'Everything that we know today—they handed down the teachings to everyone,' Tseycum Chief Vern Jacks said.

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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