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Dr Vernon Katz reflects on Maharishi's unique contribution to the world - Part IV: Commentaries on the Vedic Literature
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 June 2008

Dr Katz went on to discuss Maharishi's commentary on the Brahma Sutras, which progressed over several years and was a major focus in the summer of 1969. Taking one of the Brahma Sutras as an example, he described Maharishi's profound and unique insights into their true meaning, bringing out knowledge which had never before come to light.

(Please also see Part I, Part II, and Part III of this article.)

Dr Katz related a beautiful comment from that time: 'Maharishi was talking about Vyasa, the great seer of the Brahma Sutras and many other aspects of Veda and Vedic Literature, and said, ''His insight into the situation during the time of dissolution where the world is non-existent yet Brahman (Totality) is—that is beautiful. That shows in what great calmness he has written those Sutras (Vedic expressions), just calm.''

'Then Maharishi said this beautiful thing, ''This morning I came just to these conclusions, when you just sit, sometimes you close your eyes, and sometimes you open your eyes, and you are. I was on the introduction to these Brahma Sutras and then like petals they opened. This point and this point: such an exhilarating, enjoyable situation. You are working and yet you are resting. You are there, and yet you are not there. That is how, in that calm and quiet atmosphere, Vyasa must have written these Sutras. This is beautiful because we can see how this Sutra arose.'' '

Dr Katz also recounted other stories revealing how intimate was Maharishi's knowledge of the mechanics of cognition through which the great Vedic Rishis (Seers) brought to light the various aspects of Veda and Vedic Literature.

In conclusion, Dr Katz drew a parallel between the unfoldment of Maharishi's teachings and the lives of many great men, citing Michelangelo and Beethoven as examples. 'I found a pattern with great people; they start by being very accessible and then later things become very abstract . . . . I think with Maharishi it is the same thing.'

Dr Katz noted that in the early years of his organization, Maharishi established a systematic path for everyone to rise to higher states of consciousness. Later, Maharishi went into ever-increasing depth regarding the fundamental structure of Natural Law and the fine mechanics of creation. 'In the first period, he helped us rise to higher states of consciousness', Dr Katz said, 'and in the second period he was as if sitting at the top of creation and telling us how it is, how creation comes about. . . .

'I was always interested in the developmental stages of his teaching . . . this huge corpus of knowledge he left us through his great compassion and kindness for us and for the whole world. It is something infinitely great and infinitely beautiful, and that is why we love and respect him and he will always be there for us,' Dr Katz concluded.

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