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Coherence rises as more Vedic Pandits welcomed in Iowa
by Global Good News staff writer

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2 June 2008

'A very great week for America', was the observation of Raja Robert Wynne, Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA, when commenting on the recent arrival of 200 more Vedic Pandits to join the Invincible America Assembly in Vedic City and neighbouring Fairfield. With their arrival, the number of Yogic Flyers participating in the Assembly is approaching levels where invincibility for will be a practical reality for the whole nation.

Looking forward to the future arrival of another 250 more Vedic Pandits which will raise the number to 1050, Raja Wynne said, 'Now we can sit back and enjoy'. In recent months, Raja Wynne has been focussing all his energy and attention on ensuring the success of this project, with the strong support of many people from Maharishi University of Management and the Fairfield community, whom he congratulated and thanked for their continued efforts. Mayor Wynne gave special praise to Dr Howard Settle and Dr Alice Settle, founders of the Howard and Alice Settle Foundation for an Invincible America, which has made possible both the Invincible America assembly of Yogic Flyers and the groups of Maharishi Vedic Pandits in Fairfield and India.

On hearing this news, Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communications of the for the Global Country of World Peace, reflected that America had often been described by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, as the 'most creative and most powerful nation of the world'. Dr Swan said that now America is rising to true invincibility so its influence throughout the world will be only positive. 'The world will look back on this achievement for all time', Dr Swan said.

Raja Wynne also discussed financing for what he described as the 'greatest project ever undertaken by America'. Appealing for more donations and support, he said: 'We are crossing the finish line. We need $2 million (US) more as a loan from a few individuals and it is done. Everyone who knows the value of Invincibility for America will want to offer their support.'

Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and President of Maharishi University of Management, voiced his congratulations on the rising numbers of Vedic Pandits in Iowa. He spoke about the deepening experiences of higher states of consciousness reported by many members of the Invincible America Assembly which they attributed directly to increasing coherence in collective consciousness as the numbers of Vedic Pandits continue to rise.

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