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Assemblies of Yogic Flyers to gather in Russia and Denmark
by Global Good News staff writer

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30 April 2008

Speaking recently on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Raja Bjarne Landsfeldt, Raja of Invincible Denmark, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bosnia, Malta, and Turkmenistan for the Global Country of World Peace, reported upcoming assemblies of Yogic Flyers in Russia and Denmark to create coherence and harmony in the collective consciousness of their nations.

The Invincible Russia assembly will take place from 1 - 11 May in Moscow, Russia. In addition to group practice of the Yogic Flying Technique, this assembly will provide the opportunity for instruction in Advanced Techniques of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, as well as presentations from two architects of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. The architects, who will later be touring southern regions of Russia, will be promoting Sthapatya-Veda fortune-creating homes at the Invincible assembly.

The Invincible Denmark assembly, Raja Landsfeldt reported, will take place from 12 - 15 June at the Sun Hill property north of Copenhagen, which is owned by the Global Country of World Peace. The meetings, lecture hall, and Yogic Flying halls will be organized in a large 1,600 square meter building on that property. The goal, said Raja Landsfeldt, is to gather 250 Yogic Flyers for the assembly, the number needed to achieve Invincibility for Denmark. 'Even though the assembly lasts for only three to four days, this taste of Invincibility will inspire many well-wishers of peace and invincibility for Denmark to help establish a permanent, continuous, peace-creating group.'

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