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Rising invincibility in Denmark
by Global Good News staff writer

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16 April 2008

Recently on the Maharishi Global Family Chat, Raja Bjarne Landsfeldt, Raja of Invincible Denmark* for the Global Country of World Peace, presented some inspiring news reflecting the coherence of the collective consciousness in the nation and spoke about initiatives to create national invincibility.

The media recently reported, Raja Bjarne said, on new statistics showing a great demand for green energy technology—especially wind farms—developed in the nation. Green energy exports are growing four times faster than all other exports. Only last week, Denmark, a world leader in renewable energy, signed a wide-ranging renewable energy agreement with India, he said.

Raja Bjarne also spoke about the large World Peace Assembly for Yogic Flyers that will be held this in June near Copenhagen. The goal is to have the number of Yogic Flyers necessary to create invincibility—235—attend the assembly and create a powerful wave of invincibility, a taste of invincibility for the nation. 'We have a large building of 1,600 square metres where we can have a big assembly hall, big Yogic Flying room, and also good dining facilities,' Raja Bjarne said.

'This [assembly] will also be the final recording for the one-hour programme on the creation of invincibility for Denmark that will be shown on the main national TV station,' he continued. It is the culmination of six months of filming for the documentary.

*Raja Bjarne's domain also includes Invincible Russia, Invincible Czech Republic, Invincible Slovakia, Invincible Bosnia-Herzegovina, Invincible Malta, and Invincible Turkmenistan.

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