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Good news report from Canada
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22 April 2008
29 March was the 29th day of the ninth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
29 March 2008
The Globe and Mail - Boom times down on the organic farm (29 March 2008) As one of the pioneers of organic farming in Canada, Gert Lund has long struggled to compete with big farmers who do things the conventional way, producing their crops with herbicides or pesticides. However, things couldn't be going better for Mr Lund. The explosion in demand for organic produce means that Lund's Organic Farm, which has produced organic vegetables near Innisfail, in central Alberta since 1988, is performing rather better than conventional farms. 'We've gone past the conventional [farms] and we've been doing better than them for the last two or three years,' said Mr Lund. 'The market is so hot right now—we're doing alright, that's for sure.' Mr Lund isn't the only farmer to appreciate the benefits of going organic. Statistics Canada says the number of organic farms in Canada increased by almost 60 per cent between 2001 to 2006 and continues growing.
CBC News - Organic farmers lagging behind demand at the supermarket: StatsCan (28 March 2008) Canada's organic farmers are having a hard time meeting demand at the grocery store, a Statistics Canada study suggests. Another survey by the Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada found that certified organic milk production spiked dramatically to 40.8 million litres in 2005-06, from 10.7 million litres in 2000-01. It also shows the greatest per capita demand for organic food is in British Columbia, where organic sales account for 26 per cent of the country's organics market.
The Toronto Star on environment still number one issue (29 March 2008) A recent national survey showed that Canadians are worried about the climate: the environment still displaces both the economy and health care as the public's number one concern. In this poll, 89 per cent of respondents said they believe we face serious consequences if we don't act promptly and decisively to address global warming. Concern for the environment runs deep. So companies that get out in front—corporate executives who show that their interest, the public interest, and environmental sustainability all overlap—don't have to fear the reaction of a public that's ready to run, says James Hoggan, founder and president of the public relations firm, James Hoggan & Associates, which sponsored the survey along with The Climate Project—Canada. [Mr Hoggan is also Chair of the David Suzuki Foundation.]
The Vancouver Sun - Bike, transit use rising along with gas prices (28 March 2008) British Columbians lead Canada in turning to bicycles, public transit, or selling their cars as an alternative to paying more on gas, according to an Angus Reid Strategies survey conducted 19 and 20 March. British Columbians led Canada in biking more often (eight per cent), considering to sell their car (12 per cent), or taking transit (14 per cent). Mario Canseco, Angus Reid director of global studies, said in an interview that the survey reaffirms something the pollsters have seen before: People in this province tend to have a higher eco-consciousness than most Canadians.
CanWest News Service - Federal surplus remains fat—for now (28 March 2008) The federal government was running a C$10 billion surplus 10 months into the current fiscal year, only C$200 million shy of the surplus projected earlier for the full year, the Finance Department reported. The surplus for the month of January, meanwhile, was only C$600 million—a quarter of the C$2.4 billion the previous January, reflecting declines in revenues in personal income tax from rate reductions and in GST revenue, where the rate was cut to 5% from 6%, as well as higher spending by federal departments and agencies, and increased transfer payments. Revenues, meanwhile, rose by 5.2 per cent—thanks to higher revenues, especially from corporate income taxes.
From a Canadian Press report on this: Dale Orr of Global Insight Canada said he doesn't believe the government is in any serious danger of falling into a deficit position. 'The drivers of their revenues and expenses have been doing better than you would suppose because the labour market remains strong and payouts for employment insurance are low,' he said. Another bright spot for the government is that the cost of servicing the national debt continues to fall as a result of lower interest rates and the government's record of making payments on the principal. Debt charges were down C$400 million during the first 10 months of the fiscal year.
From a Reuters Canada report on this: The surplus for the current fiscal year would mark the 11th consecutive surplus. The surplus is slated to pay down debt.
CBC News - Moncton is #1 business centre in Atlantic region: report (28 March 2008) For the second year in a row Moncton has been named the best place for business in Atlantic Canada and New England, according to a report by international consultancy KPMG. The report compares business climates in major centres along the Atlantic seaboard, looking at real estate prices, central location, and bureaucratic red tape. Fredericton placed second, followed by Charlottetown, and Halifax.
The Canadian Press - Yukon to ban smoking in public places (27 March 2008) A ban on smoking in public places will take effect in the Yukon on May 15. Premier Dennis Fentie says the new legislation is in the best interest of Yukon residents. The ban on smoking in public places includes outdoor decks and patios attached to businesses such as bars and restaurants. The legislation also includes a ban on smoking in vehicles carrying children under 18. It will also be illegal to smoke in a vehicle carrying two or more people when the vehicle is used for employment purposes. Retailers will also be required to remove cigarettes from the usually prominent display wall behind the cash register to beneath the counter, no later than 15 May 2009.
The Globe and Mail on record land claim settlements this year (28 March 2008) The federal government resolved a record number of native land-claim disputes this year in a bid to improve relations with Canada's aboriginals and spur economic development on reserves. Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl confirmed that 54 claims have been resolved, of which 37 involved financial settlements. On average, only 14 claims are concluded each year. 'It was a big, all-out effort to do that,' said Mr Strahl.
The Canadian Press - Harper in northern Quebec to mark land claims agreement (28 March 2008) In a land-claim deal with the Inuit of northern Quebec, the people of Nunavik will get a new national park, new resource rights, administrative controls, and C$54 million over nine years. It's the last major Inuit land claim in Canada, and to celebrate its legislative royal assent last month, Prime Minister Harper flew to the community of Kuujjuaq on Friday. Residents exchanged presents with the prime minister and performed traditional Inuit throat-singing. The deal provides for a civic government for an expanse of land roughly the same size as Western Europe. The town of Kuujjuaq is the administrative hub for this and most of the surrounding islands over a 5,100-kilometre stretch of water. The deal also guarantees Nunavik 50 per cent of the first C$2 million in annual resources royalties and 5 per cent from any additional royalties received by the federal government.
Mr Harper gave elder Pita Aatami, head of the non-profit organization that signed the treaty, the Maple Leaf flag that flew over the Peace Tower on 14 February 2008, the day the land-claims bill received royal assent. The prime minister told the audience, 'The unspoiled beauty of this region immediately strikes anyone. Frankly, the unspoiled beauty is matched only by the extraordinary opportunities that [lie] before the people who live here.'
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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