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New Sthapatya Veda housing in Maharishi Vedic City
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 April 2008

Raja Robert Wynne, Raja of New Zealand for the Global Country of World Peace and Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA, spoke recently on Maharishi Global Family Chat about new residential buildings in Maharishi Vedic City that will accommodate 1,000 more people in Maharishi Sthapatya Veda housing.

Raja Wynne said he had asked for developers or investors around the world to either build housing in Maharishi Vedic City or to invest in housing being built, whether for sale or for rent, 'because we need a thousand more units. . . . We need 1,500 units here,' Raja Wynne said, 'so there is absolutely no impediment to people coming and being able to live in proper Maharishi Sthapatya Veda housing.' One goal of this initiative is to allow many more Yogic Flyers to come and join the Invincible America Assembly and increase the coherence and invincibility being generated by this group for the nation.

One developer came forward who will finance 72 units near Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, which is close to Maharishi Vedic City—for Invincible America Assembly participants and students, hopefully by August or September this year. The units could be rented directly to the students or to the university, who would rent to students; the rental fees would repay the developer's investment.

Another developer came forward who had just built 1,000 homes in another country. This family is very interested in building 1,000 units in Maharishi Vedic City, Fairfield, and the M.U.M. campus, and to try and accomplish this also by the fall.

'Because it is a completely fail-safe approach, and there is such a huge demand for housing, for people here—and for people who are not yet here—that it's a completely risk-free event for any developers to build housing, and it would be filled immediately or sold immediately,' Raja Wynne said. He invited any interested builders or investors to call him: (USA country code) 1 312 324 0291; or e-mail him:

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