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Good news report from Canada
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9 April 2008
13 March was the 13th day of the ninth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
13 March 2008
The Canadian Economic Press - Western provinces to lead Canadian GDP growth in 2008, says CBOC (11 March 2008) Canada's economic outlook for the next two years is surprisingly bright, according to a report by the Conference Board of Canada on its provincial outlook. Western provinces are all expected to grow their GDPs at a rate above 3% in 2008. 'Yes it's weak on the external trade sector but if we look at the domestic economy, it's strong. The job numbers in January and February were excellent and if you combine that with strong wage growth and the fiscal stimulus (announced in the fall by the Federal government), we think the domestic side of the economy in Canada is doing quite well,' said Marie-Christine Bernard, associate director of the Conference Board of Canada's provincial forecasting service. Consumers, bolstered by fiscal stimulus measures and real wage gains, are expected to keep the domestic economies of both Ontario and Quebec healthy. Both provinces will see consumption expand 3.1%, the board says.
CBC News - Manitoba's economic growth expected to lead country in 2008 (11 March 2008) Manitoba is expected to lead in economic growth in 2008 for the second consecutive year, according to the Conference Board of Canada. It predicts the province's gross domestic product will grow by 3.7 per cent again in 2008, making it the fastest-growing provincial economy. Boosted by construction projects, robust domestic spending and an optimistic outlook for manufacturing, the Manitoba economy is 'firing on all cylinders,' according to the board.
From a Financial Post report on this: 'It is surprising to see just how well it is doing these days,' said Nancy Bergeron, a Conference Board economist. Manufacturing in Manitoba is expected to grow by an average of 5.5% over the next two years, two percentage points higher than the national average, the Conference Board said.
The Globe and Mail - Green issues move up the agenda at banks (12 March 2008) Ethical Funds Co., a Vancouver-based manager of socially responsible mutual funds, released a report that ranks the Big Five banks based on their climate-related credit risk procedures. Toronto-Dominion Bank jumped to the top of the list and tied with Royal Bank of Canada. Corporate Knights editor Toby Heaps said he's not surprised RBC received top marks. The bank is probably the No. 1 player in the Western world when it comes to helping arrange financing for renewable energy wind projects, he said. Examples of the banks going greener are not hard to come by. The country's largest banks are even considering working together on a carbon statement, said James Evans, a senior manager in RBC's environmental risk group.
From a Reuters Canada report on this: Canada's five large banks are a major force in the country's economy and collectively make up about one-sixth of the market value of the Toronto Stock Exchange. Ethical Funds based its scorecard on 25 climate-specific indicators that ranked the banks according to issues such as carbon management and biodiversity policies.
From a Vancouver Sun report on this: Canada's five big banks have woken up to the impact that their financing has on climate change, according to Ethical Funds. Robert Walker, vice-president of sustainability at Ethical Funds, said banks play a crucial role in tackling climate change as they are the key lenders of capital to companies that create environmental impacts. TD Bank is singled out for its progress in addressing climate change in lending policies and Royal Bank for not funding unsustainable forestry operations and for encouraging companies to become eco-certified.
The Toronto Star - T.O.'s housing starts defy February blahs (11 March 2008) Despite the record February snowfall, Toronto area builders somehow managed to pour concrete—and lots of it. The seasonally adjusted and annualized rate of housing starts in the Toronto area was up by 24.8 per cent last month compared to January. On an unadjusted basis, total housing starts for January and February are up a significant 50 per cent compared to the first two months of 2007. (A start is registered when a foundation is poured). 'Solid local economic conditions and accommodative borrowing costs promoted many households to purchase a condominium apartment,' said Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation analyst Jason Mercer. Last year set a record for condo sales in the Toronto area with more than 22,654 sold—making the city the top site in North America for highrise building. The heated pace continues in 2008, with nine condo openings in the first two months of the year compared to five last year. 'Home builders across Ontario had a very busy February,' said Ontario Home Builders' Association president Mark Basciano. Last week's decision by the Bank of Canada to chop 50 basis points off the key overnight rate has given the spring market a boost.
CBC News - N.B. launches lawsuit against tobacco companies (13 March 2008) New Brunswick has become the second province to file a lawsuit against tobacco companies to recover health-care costs related to the use of tobacco products. British Columbia has already launched a similar suit. Health Minister Mike Murphy said the suit is on behalf of people whose health has been harmed by tobacco products and families who have lost loved ones to tobacco-related illness. 'While we continue our efforts to keep people from smoking and helping those who do to quit, we will also work to ensure that tobacco companies are made liable for the damage to the health of New Brunswickers, and the financial burden put on taxpayers for health-care costs,' Murphy said.
The Toronto Star - The rise of the do-gooder (13 March 2008) A new trend is rising up: doing good. The current zeitgeist is one of hope, says Julia Moulden, whose recent book is a guide for corporate types who want to reinvent their careers in a more altruistic image. 'A lot of people were feeling despair after 9/11,' says Moulden. 'But there's been a turning of the tide. We're weary of fear and cynicism. . . . People want to feel hope again. It's rising up in our collective consciousness.' Now, helping is seen as something anyone can do. Since 2003, Ontario high school students have had to do 40 hours of community service in order to graduate. Though reaction was initially mixed, it seems many young people want to 'live the give', even after they've met the required quota. A 2007 survey by Deloitte & Touche found that 62 per cent of workers between 18 and 26 want to work for companies that provide volunteer opportunities in the not-for-profit world.
The Globe and Mail on North American indigenous peoples climate change conference (13 March 2008) Canadian native leaders are in Mexico this week talking climate change with indigenous people from other parts of the continent. Titled 'Indigenous Peoples for the Healing of Mother Earth Conference', the four-day event brings more than 200 indigenous peoples together from Mexico, Canada, and the United States. The 45 Canadian natives were chosen from different regions based on their knowledge of environmental issues, according to the Assembly of First Nations, which organized the trip. An additional 18 Inuit delegates from across the Canadian Arctic were also scheduled to attend.
Aboriginal traditions have long included a close attachment to the land, and oral histories are passed down through generations. As a result, many natives have specific anecdotes on the changes observed in their regions. Joan McEwen, a spokeswoman for the Assembly of First Nations, said the conference is the first of its kind. 'The outcome of the conference is to produce a unified approach and strategy for indigenous peoples to deal with environmental health challenges,' she said. 'This will allow us to continue to speak to other governments and nations in a unified voice about our urgent environmental health concerns.'
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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