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Raja Emanuel reports on Germany's Tower of Invincibility
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 March 2008

Raja Emanuel Schiffgens, Administrator of Germany for the Global Country of World Peace, recently presented detailed plans for the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, an ideal location for which would be a forested plateau in Berlin.

Speaking on the Maharishi Global Family Chat, Raja Emanuel said that the Tower of Invincibility will be a grand four-storey building, 108 metres by 108 metres, with a white marble exterior and interior.

The Tower will include space for a University as well as administrative offices. The Invincible Germany University will be located on the first two floors, and on the third floor will be space for the silent administration of the Global Country of World Peace in Germany. On the fourth floor will be suites for the Rajas and for Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam, first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace.

Near the Tower of Invincibility will be Mandaps for the peace-creating Vedic performances of Vedic Pandits.

'Maharishi has given us absolutely everything . . . ,' Raja Emanuel reflected. 'He taught us absolutely everything.' Maharishi taught us to act from the unmanifest and to rule from the unmanifest, from silence, Raja Emanuel said.

The Vedic Literature states that there are three things necessary for enlightenment, for higher states of consciousness, Raja Emanuel continued. First, the knowledge and teaching of the Guru, the teacher, is necessary for enlightenment. Second, the spiritual practice, the practice of Transcendental Meditation, has to be done. 'And usually one thinks knowledge and action are all that is required,' Raja Emanuel said. But thirdly, there is the value of others who are also rising to enlightenment. 'Now we realize it is an essential part of enlightenment to be with the others . . . and have the knowledge reflected in them.' This, Raja Emanuel said, is why Maharishi emphasized the group practice of Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. 'So Maharishi's gift of personal enlightenment and national invincibility needs these three things.'

Raja Emanuel expressed his deep appreciation for the other Rajas, Ministers, and Directors of the Global Country of World Peace, as well as the teachers and practitioners of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques including Yogic Flying. 'Hearing them, working with them, meditating with them . . . together, we will achieve what Maharishi has designed for us: enlightenment and invincibility.'

Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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