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A 'Maharishi Natural Reserve' in Paraguay
by Global Good News staff writer

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12 March 2008

Speaking on a recent Global Family Chat, broadcast by satellite and on Channel 3 of the Maharishi Channel, Dr Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja (Administrator) of Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about the recent declaration of a 'Maharishi Natural Reserve' by the government of Paraguay.

Dr Alvarez said that Paraguay is a country that is located in the south central part of South America. Dr Pedro Ojeda, the administrator for the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme in Paraguay, has trained more than 1500 new Yogic Flyers.

Dr Alvarez showed slides of a very special forest that the Global Country of World Peace owns in Paraguay, which through the Global Mother Divine Organization of Latin America, has become a protected area by a decree of the President of Paraguay, who declared it a 'Maharishi Natural Reserve'.

This place, which is a very spiritual centre of Paraguay, was very dear to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Alvarez said. A Maharishi Tower of Invincibility will be built there very soon.

Dr Pedro Ojeda himself then spoke from Paraguay, giving more details about this very important news that the presidency of the Republic of Paraguay has recently officially decreed and declared one of our properties as Maharishi Natural Reserve, a protected wild land under private domain.

This Maharishi Natural Reserve is a deep forest area of about 700 acres (283 hectares), and it is the last remaining natural world reserve, because all the other areas have been eliminated in the last few years due to use of the land for crops. A large waterfall and river are part of the landscape of this Natural Reserve, and it has a natural border with Argentina and Brazil.

The main waterfall is 100 feet (30.5 metres) high and the river is 240 feet (73 metres) wide in this section. Even though the Maharishi Natural Reserve is a private property, the idea is to have a tourist path open to the whole population, who will enjoy the forest around the river and have a wonderful view of the forest and the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility.

Dr Ojeda said they are planning to be build the Tower facing an exceptional view of the forest. 'We are extremely happy to have such a beautiful natural reserve here in Latin America where Maharishi will be honored for ever,' he said.

Dr Ojeda then said that it will be a unique tourist spot, where visitors can enjoy the unique trees, flowers, butterflies, birds, and different kinds of small animals; in addition, there is the special influence emerging from the falls.

Visitors will also have a chance to enjoy locations along the path. Each location will be related to a different approach of the many aspects of the Vedic Literature: one could be Maharishi Ayur-Veda, others could be Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, Maharishi Jyotish, and Maharishi Gandharva Veda.

'When visitors come to the end of the path, they will find the falls, and the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility; here they may enjoy an exhibition of Mother Nature and a close approach to Maharishi's teaching. The Maharishi Natural Reserve will become a permanent memorial to Maharishi for Latin America and the world,' said Dr Ojeda.

Dr Ojeda emphasized that the local authority of the government of Paraguay has given full support to the Maharishi Natural Reserve and the full construction of the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility.

Dr Ojeda invited Raja Jose Luis and all the enlightened leaders of the Global Country of World Peace to come to join the ceremony for the first Maharishi Natural Reserve in the world, 'which honours the name and work of our beloved Maharishi.' Dr Ojeda expressed the deep gratitude of all the local Teachers of Transcendental Meditation, workers, and the Global Mother Divine Organization.

Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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