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Latin America: Peaceful resolution of crisis through increased coherence
by Global Good News staff writer

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13 March 2008

Dr Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja [Administrator] of Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace, gave an inspiring report on the resolution of the crisis that occurred last week between Venezuela, Ecuador, and Colombia, and how the resolution resulted from the implementation of Maharishi's programmes for peace.

Reviewing the past week's tensions, Dr Alvarez explained how the three countries had withdrawn diplomatic relations and placed tanks on their borders. Dr Alvarez, along with his national directors, quickly formulated a plan to increase coherence in the region by teaching Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendetal Meditation-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, to several thousand more students in nine countries, including 400 more in Colombia starting immediately.

Although the world press predicted that tensions would escalate, as soon as this resolution was in place the troops were withdrawn from the borders and diplomatic relations were restored. The presidents of the three countries were found shaking hands, resolving never to have war on Latin American soil.

Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, congratulated Dr Alvarez for the rapid resolution of the crisis and praised his parental guidance of the nations in his domain. Dr Morris wisely pointed out that 'the crisis actually moved the whole of Latin America ahead and purified underlying negativity that was festering. This is a reflection of the powerful groups of students practising Yogic Flying and is just the beginning of bringing invincibility and irreversible peace to all of Latin America.'

Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service

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For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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