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Good news report from Canada
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24 November 2007
10 November was the 10th day of the fifth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
10 November 2007
The Toronto Star - Surprise, Canadian pluralism is working (10 November 2007) Canadian attitudes remain overwhelmingly positive. Canada has the highest immigration rate in the world, but when asked if this country accepts too many immigrants, most Canadians say no. Canadians are by far the most likely of any G8 country to say immigrants are good for the country, and that immigrants help the economy grow rather than 'taking jobs from other Canadians'. Canadians are also the least likely of any Western society to hold the misconception that immigrants commit more crime than 'people born here'. In naming things that make them proud to be Canadian, more Canadians say multiculturalism than hockey. According to Statistics Canada, after four years in Canada, 84 per cent of immigrants say they would make the same decision again and come to Canada. Most immigrants say they are better off economically than before they came. With time in Canada, immigrant rates of volunteerism, charitable giving, engagement with current events, and voting approach or exceed the national average. The incomes of second-generation Canadians—the children of immigrants—actually exceed the national average, suggesting that by and large people who come to this country seeking a better life for their children achieve that result. Canadians' goodwill toward newcomers and newcomers' desire to participate fully in this society, are considerable.
The Toronto Star on look on bright side of economy, PM says (9 November 2007) 'Here in Ontario, for example, despite the well-documented difficulties of the manufacturing sector generally and the auto sector in particular, we've just seen two straight months of strong job growth,' Prime Minister Harper told an audience of 800 business people in Toronto. 'And over the year, employment growth in this province is actually now running above the national average,' Harper said. 'Yes, we have some problems, but as our esteemed finance minister said more than a few times last week—and let's not forget it and broadcast it to the world—the fundamentals of our economy are as solid as the Canadian Shield.'
The Globe and Mail - Cleanup fund gets $30-million boost (10 November 2007) The most polluted Canadian site in the Great Lakes is one step closer to getting cleaned up after Environment Minister John Baird promised C$30 million in federal money toward cleaning up contaminated sediment in Hamilton Harbour's Randle Reef. 'We know that Randle Reef is a priority and that is why our government is putting its funding on the table immediately to ensure that the Hamilton lakefront returns to productive economic and recreational use for the benefit of us and our children,' Mr Baird said. The federal announcement follows a recent promise of C$30 million made by Ontario Premier McGuinty. The balance of the C$90 million project is expected to be raised locally.
CBC News - La Peche to become Quebec's first fair-trade community (9 November 2007) The municipality of La PĂȘche in western Quebec is becoming the province's first fair-trade community. Non-profit Transfair Canada offers certification to Canadian merchants who ensure their suppliers pay producers a fair price for items such as coffee and sugar. To be certified, the town needed to demonstrate widespread community support, be home to a certain number of businesses that sell or serve fair trade products, and pass a resolution from the municipal government supporting the concept and agreeing to serve fair-trade coffee and sugar. La PĂȘche will be the second fair-trade community in Canada. Wolfville, Nova Scotia, became the first when it was certified in April.
The Toronto Star - The greening of the Grey Cup (8 November 2007) A slip of the tongue told the story. Canadian Football League commissioner Mark Cohon referred to the league's annual championship as the 'Green Cup' before quickly correcting himself. The real title is, of course, the Grey Cup, scheduled to be held in Toronto 25 November. This year the aim is to make the big game glow as green as the artificial turf. The league is taking three steps to make Canada's largest single-day sporting event more environmentally benign. Carbon dioxide emissions associated with the event—including team travel, energy consumption, and use of paper—will be offset through a reforestation project run by Zerofootprint. It will get electricity from Bullfrog Power, which invests in wind and low-impact water-generating projects. Turtle Island Recycling Co. will handle waste management and recycling. 'If we can influence the behaviour of our millions of fans, then we'll have a big impact,' Cohon said.
The Toronto Star - Tridel continues green effort (10 November 2007) Tridel will begin construction this month on the 449-unit, two-highrise 'Republic of Yonge and Eglinton', and planet-friendly products and technologies will be used throughout. Tridel will use low-volatile organic-compound paints and carpeting to minimize off-gassing as well as environmentally friendly hardwood flooring. Energy-efficient appliances and windows along with lighting- and water-conservation methods will also serve to save money. The Republic is one of 12 Tridel projects pursuing LEED certification under the Canada Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system. 'We believe in green building practices and being environmentally responsible big time,' says Jim Ritchie, senior vice-president of sales and marketing for Tridel. 'We are the largest developer in the country in terms of sustainable building practices.'
The Canadian Press - N.S.-based Foxmill expanding range of cold-pressed organic seed oils (6 November 2007) In Nova Scotia, Peter Fuchs has ambitious plans for Foxmill, his cold-pressed organic oil business, including being 100 per cent organic within a couple of years. The problem is finding local organic seed such as flax, canola, and sunflower that he can process, but that is beginning to change. One of the organic growers Fuchs was able to hook up with, Andrew Kernovan, has 240 hectares of arable land in the Parrsboro area and supplies Fuchs with flax and canola seed. Kernovan, who also lectures part-time on environmental ethics at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, says Fuchs is onto something. 'The potential for him to grow his business and organic farming in the area is huge,' says Kernovan. Because of its isolation, Nova Scotia is ideally suited for growing organic crops, says Kernovan. 'Seed crops like flax or canola develop through wind-borne pollination, which is a problem if genetically modified crops are nearby,' he says.
The Canadian Press - BC gives aboriginal band Vancouver golf course, prime park land in settlement (9 November 2007) The British Columbia government reached a deal with an urban aboriginal band in Vancouver, resolving several court cases. It also marks the growing realization among people that the government's commitment to reconciliation with aboriginal people involves more than tracts of land in remote mountain areas. Under the deal, the Musqueam agree the public golf course it receives, on 59 hectares of prime real estate, will remain open until 2083. The band will also receive two parcels of land amounting to 22 hectares from Pacific Spirit Park, an area criss-crossed by trails used by hikers, cyclists, and horseback riders. Some of that land—8.5 hectares—is adjacent to the golf course and will be rezoned to allow the band to develop multi-family, low-rise accommodations. The rest of it would be established as a park. And the band will receive a cash payment of C$20.3 million. Ernie Campbell, chief of the 1,200-member band, called the settlement a landmark and applauded the province. 'This agreement is a concrete example of how the province is building a new relationship with the Musqueam,' Premier Gordon Campbell said.
From a CBC News report on this: 'Like the premier says, we always want to be good neighbours with everybody. We know we have to live together,' said band chief Ernie Campbell.
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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