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The effect of national coherence on war and terrorism
by Global Good News staff writer
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14 November 2007
In a recent interview on the Maharishi Channel, Dr Robert Wynne, Raja (Administrator) of Central Vedic America for the Global Country of World Peace, and Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City, USA, spoke about the effect of national collective consciousness on politics. The interview was conducted by Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communication for the Global Country of World Peace. interviewed
Dr Swan: 'We heard recently that the General who was in command of the American Forces in Iraq has come out very strongly against the supposed success of the American initiative in Iraq. Do you see this as a sign of the increasing balance and clarity in national consciousness—that such a senior person would come out so strongly against the war there? And is this a sign of increasing balance and clarity due to the Invincible America Assembly* creating these qualities in the national consciousness?
Dr Wynne: 'There's no question that since the Invincible America Assembly has begun there has been a tremendous amount of transformation in the national government; and we aren't political, but we have the attitude, ''Let Thy will be done'', and the changes seem to be positive. . . . The government itself is changing daily; and as the collective consciousness rises due to the Assembly, then suddenly it is as you said. People start making statements such as 'we should change direction', because the direction is changing anyway.
'In the case of war, it's obviously preferred by everybody to not have war, and to have peace. So when people start speaking about peace—feeling that there can be peace rather than war—that is obviously a very positive step. The US is like a big ship. As you steer, it takes a little bit of time for the ship to change direction; but the trends are positive.
'I have been reflecting the last month about changes in leadership in the government. This person comes in or this person steps away, and from my perspective it all seems very positive. This transformation is occurring in the collective consciousness [of the whole population], and hence in the structure of the government, not just at the federal level, but the state level, and city level. When you go to the woods, you don't see news media and you don't see a capital of the government of Nature. Nature is invisible. It's transcendental, and that is the Constitution of the Universe.
'[Now] the man-made constitutions, governments, corporations, and education and health care systems are beginning to bring themselves back to being in alignment with total Natural Law. It's like the sun rising. The first rays come up and it gets brighter and brighter. That is what we are finding here in the Invincible America Assembly, over these last 12 to 16 months. Each day it just gets brighter. These individuals are caught up in this too, so when they make these statements, it's another indication of rising collective consciousness.
'The majority of the people in the US do not want to be in this war anymore. They felt like they had been attacked, so they were willing to go along with whatever it took to not be attacked again. That's why this course is called ''Invincible America Assembly'' because it is to disallow terrorism, disallow the birth of an enemy. So you government people listening to this, why not adopt this programme? Continue to have your bombers and continue to have the missiles, because it's necessary for government to have those things, but you may never have to use them in the future because the birth of an enemy will be disallowed.
'It's much better to do it on that level. I remember Major General Kulwant Singh, who has vast experience in India going through so many wars. He was here in the US, giving a press conference in Washington DC on the day that DC and New York were attacked. He said we must avert the danger before it arises. Then the danger did happen; but his comment on terrorism was, ''If you go out and injure or kill somebody, then suddenly ten more people want to avenge that person.'' So through [actions, wars] you can't really solve this problem. You can only solve it through peace, through coherence. When there is a storm, you can't quiet the storm, it's only through the coherence and the calm [that peace] will come.
'Now we have this technology through Maharishi—being able to calm all the storms including, all the research shows, calming the hurricanes, because it puts everything in Nature in balance. Not just man-made actions, but all of Nature becomes in balance; and studies have shown that rains come on time, and Nature supports coherence. It's a good point, Dr Swan.'
* The Invincible America Assembly is a large assembly of 1,700 Yogic Flyers in Maharishi Vedic City and nearby Maharishi University ofr Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, to create an invincible state of peace, harmony and prosperity in the United States and the world.
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