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Celebrating the ninth day of the global Coronation of six new Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace: Maharishi's address - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

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31 October 2007

In the second session on the ninth day of the global Coronation, Maharishi said that offering of the ninth Paraprakriti in Puja to Guru Dev, the supreme Purushottama, the Sakshit, the witnessing characteristic quality of Purusha, is being brought to our awareness, enabling us to function from that level [of] Paraprakriti, the ninth Prakriti—all the eight Prakritis in the unified state, remaining eternally one with the Purushottama [the Supreme Purusha, the Totality].

Following global Puja to Guru Dev*, Maharishi said: 'Jai Guru Dev. Puja to Guru Dev—offering of the ninth Paraprakriti at the feet of Guru Dev—the supreme Purushottama, the Sakshit, the witnessing characteristic quality of Purusha, is being brought to our awareness, enabling us to function from that level [of] Paraprakriti**, the ninth Prakriti—all the eight Prakritis in the unified state, all the eight Prakritis [the manifest elements in nature] in the unified state, remaining eternally one with the Purushottama [the Supreme Purusha, the Totality]. . . .

'That miraculous relationship which is One having many in the unified state, managing the One by virtue of Being and all the time being related to Purusha, [it] still manages the fabrics of diverse existence that we understand to be the relationship of Being with itself, and Being becoming—those fine fabrics of division where there is not division, but conceptually one sees Prakriti [Nature, the principle of activity] as Prakriti, Purusha as Purusha [infinite silence, the Self], and the relationship between them: this is the vision of science and technology together. Here is seated the science and technology of administration,' Maharishi said.

'Our blessed Maharaja Nader Raam is the embodiment of that administrative skill which administers all diversity, always remaining Unity. This is the ninth day of our rising to that level of administration where administration will be from the level of Being, on that level where ''to be'' becomes Being becoming —emergence of diversity on the level of eternal Unity.

'Today's Puja to Guru Dev with Purusha***, with Purusha of the world, Purusha of this generation, is the unfoldment of that mechanics of administration which is spontaneously eternally silent. It is never anything other than itself, eternally remaining Purusha [infinite silence, the Self].

'Eternally remaining Purusha, even the Vedic tradition does not find an expression. They say Purushottama [the Supreme Purusha, Totality], as its one feature of superlative degree, that skill of administration which is Unity, eternal Unity, never diversity. Eternal Unity ever administers with perfect order the whole field of diversity.

'Today is the ninth day. Today is the ninth day of the Coronation. For a lack of any another word we say ''ceremony'', Coronation ceremony. . . . Today's ninth day of Puja has unfolded to us in our awareness, that supreme reality as a practical concept, as a practical activity of administering Purusha. We are all together at the feet of Guru Dev, and tomorrow is the tenth day. We will see what fabrics of administration are on the level of Purusha, Dashamas twam asi, ''Thou art the Tenth.''

'We are looking forward to the tenth, but we are absolutely blessed on this ninth level of unfoldment of the administrative skill from the level of eternal silence. Paraprakriti has been our ground of floating around today, on the ninth day of developing that spontaneity in administration where everything will go on, on the level of perfection.

'Fortunate we are. Fortunate we are, Purusha of the world today, who are rising to the level of spontaneous administration, spontaneous administration. Being becomes the administrator, and that is the miraculous indescribable status of Paraprakriti, to which we have brought our awareness by all the steps of offering [during Puja to Guru Dev]. Each step of offering has unfolded all these eight days of diversity of the divided Prakriti, and today, all the divided Prakriti has come to be in a unified state.

'Raja di Raja [Raja of Rajas], Raja Nader Raam, the first exemplary ruler of this Nature's administration, has been with us, and that has very quietly, in a very sneaking manner, led us to identify ourselves with that level of cosmic administration: administration by peace. Self rule.

'So today's offering has been a great awakening in us, a very great awakening in us. [It has been a] very great awakening in us, and we see the fulfilment of all our aspirations to render the administration of the world to be on the level of perfection.

'It's very fortunate today's Puja, and [it's] very fortunate the joining of Purusha with all of us engaged in the Puja. This is a vision into diversifying, at the same time unifying. Diversifying, at the same time unifying. Witnessing, at the same time participating: that skill of Nature, which is the ruler of the infinite diversity of the universe, the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda.

'For the want of a word we say ''Will of God'', ''Thou art That.'' The ninth day of Puja today has been so significant that [it] has made our existence really, really, really substantial. That means capable of being the daily reality of our life. Purusha has almost achieved totality of the administrative skill of the Cosmic Intelligence.

'So, Dr Hagelin, Dr Morris, Kuberji, [Dr Benjamin Feldman, the Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace]—our Kuberji is the embodiment of the ownership of the inexhaustible treasury of affluence from where one is silently administering the infinite diversity of the universe. [Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace; Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace]

'Please ask the Vedic Pandits to add, through their Vedic chanting, which is the chanting of the Constitution of the Universe, descended down from all the time, ever since there was a world—and it will continue, until there will continue to be a world of diversity administered by the unified fibres of its division, unifying all diversity into one grand Unity—invincibility to every nation realistically dawning in our awareness.

'Let the Vedic Pandits be the channel through which very concrete values of the abstract administration works, so that we are spontaneously established on that royal status of Raja, Administrator of the Global Country—the administrator of peace and dynamism together. That is the skill that the ninth day of the Coronation Ceremony of the Raja has opened to us.

'So please invite the Vedic Pandits to give us the full blessings of Guru Dev through the recitation of the Constitution of the Veda, which is an aspect of the ceremony of gaining ownership of the skill, gaining the ownership of the science and technology of the spontaneous administration of the huge, ever-expanding universe.

'Please ask the Vedic Pandits to give us the joy of having a complete shower of Guru Dev's blessings through the Vedic recitation of this ninth day of Puja. Dr Feldman, please invite Vedic Pandits to bless us.

'All glory to Guru Dev.'

* Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.

** Paraprakriti: The ninth Prakriti, unified value of the eight Prakritis, the manifest elements in nature; total Natural Law at the transcendental level of existence, the nature of Purusha, infinite silence.

*** Purusha: The infinite silence of the Self, Totality; and also the Maharishi Purusha Programme, designed by Maharishi for men who wish to dedicate themselves fully to the most rapid pace of evolution possible and creating world peace. This is accomplished through the extended group practice of the TM-Sidhi programme and activity dedicated to the fulfillment of the many programmes of Maharishi's worldwide organizations. Several of the new Rajas are members of the Maharishi Purusha Programme.

'Purusha is a very ideal programme. . . . It is a wonderful programme for the individual to harness the full creative potential of Natural Law and use it to enjoy bliss. World peace is a by-product of it. Heavenly life on earth is a by-product of it.'—Maharishi

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