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Maharishi celebrates the seventh day of the auspicious Coronation of six new Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace
by Global Good New staff writer
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28 October 2007
On the seventh day of the auspicious Coronation of six new Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace, Maharishi said that through the global Puja [Vedic ceremony of gratitude] to Guru Dev* and the Vedic Recitation for the Coronation, we and every nation are blessed, so that our duty, our devotion, our daily thought and action are in perfect accord with the Divine Will.
At the start of the celebration, Maharishi spoke briefly in Hindi and then said that 'Having offered our Puja to Guru Dev, on this seventh Day of the Coronation of the new Rajas, we are really blessed.
'Our world family is blessed. Every nation is blessed, and we are being blessed so that our duty, our devotion, our daily thought and action are in perfect accord with the Divine Will.'
Maharishi asked Dr Feldman [Dr Benjamin Feldman, the Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace] to invite the Vedic Pandits from India 'to bless us through their traditional Vedic Chanting of this seventh Day of Coronation of the administrators of our world family.'
Following the first Vedic Recitation of this seventh day, Dr Feldman said that the Vedic Pandits from India have blessed us through their traditional Vedic Recitation for the Coronation ceremonies of the new administrators in the world family.
'They have performed the auspicious Rajyabhishek, on this seventh day,' he said. 'This is for the invincible organizing power of Natural Law, the Light of God, to reign on earth through the great sovereign rulership of the Global Country of World Peace.
'They have also recited for victory over all possible negative influences, protection from all negative forces, and for the glorious, blessed long life in enlightenment of the great sovereign rulership of the Global Country of World Peace.
Dr Feldman reviewed Maharishi's address [above] and then said: 'Twice a day we have been blessed with this fortune of performing Puja to Guru Dev globally with Maharishi and Maharaja Nader Raam. Day after day we are having the sequence, the Coronation ceremonies. With every day's Puja we receive the total blessings, and the total blessings for the Coronation of our Rajas is a fortunate thing for us.
'This is the means whereby we are going to establish Raam Raj [the rule of Total Natural Law on earth]. Global Raam Raj, something that is universal in value . . . and the whole ceremony is going around the world [broadcast over the Maharishi Channel and the Internet].'
In the afternoon celebration of the Coronation Maharishi said: 'Jai Guru Dev. With Puja to Guru Dev, Purusha* of the world are being blessed this week to handle the well being of life everywhere on the individual level and the collective level. Purusha are being prepared by the Grace of Guru Dev to spontaneously handle the destiny of life in our world family with ease and comfort, with freedom, affluence, and invincibility.
'We are blessed today with a tradition, the old, old [ancient] Vedic Tradition, whose Constitution is Veda, and whose record is Ramayan [one aspect of the Vedic Literature, recording the rule of Raam, Total Natural Law, on earth]—whose record is Raam Raj dukh kahu na vyapa ['In the reign of Raam suffering belonged to no one'].
'Towards that end, the administration of the world family is being organized through this Puja, the Coronation of Purusha to rule the world.
'Dr Feldman, invite the blessed Vedic Pandits of India to bless us with their traditional chanting which upholds the administration directly according to the Constitution of the Universe, the silent administering ability—for the Purusha to administer life on earth on the individual level in full enlightenment, and national life in our family of nations on the level of supreme sovereignty endowed with invincibility.
'Please invite the Vedic Pandits to bless us with their traditional Vedic chanting,' Maharishi said.
* Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.
** Purusha: Several of the new Rajas participating in the Coronation are longtime members of the Maharishi Purusha Programme—a programme designed by Maharishi for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of evolution possible and creating world peace. This is accomplished through the extended group practice of the TM-Sidhi programme and activity dedicated to the fulfilment of the many programmes of Maharishi's worldwide organizations.
'Purusha is a very ideal programme. It is a wonderful programme for the individual to harness the full creative potential of Natural Law and use it to enjoy bliss. World peace is a by-product of it. Heavenly life on earth is a by-product of it.'—Maharishi
Purusha also means infinite silence, the unbounded aand unmanifest silence of the Self.
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.
Global Good News comment:
For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.
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