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Global Country of World Peace celebrates the sixth day of the Global Coronation of six new Rajas
by Global Good News Staff Writer

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27 October 2007

In the morning session of the sixth day of the Coronation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, who has been presiding over the ten-day ceremony, said that we are blessed, our intention is blessed, and this global Coronation is blessed. In the afernoon session, Maharishi said that today's global Puja [Vedic ceremony of gratitude] to Guru Dev* was of cosmic magnitude involving the total collective consciousness of our world family.

'Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev,' Maharishi said at the beginning of the morning celebration.

'Performing Puja to Guru Dev, we are blessed. The world is blessed. Our Being is blessed. Our duty is blessed. Our action is blessed. Our intention is blessed. Our Sankalp [intention of the Puja and global Coronation ceremony] is blessed.

'The world is going to be governed in peace, prosperity, happiness, enlightenment to every individual, and invincibility to every nation in our world family.

'This Puja of the sixth day of the Coronation of the new Rajas is a blessing for us all.

'Dr Feldman [Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning of Global Country of World Peace], invite the Vedic Pandits of India to bless us with their traditional chanting of the sixth day of the Coronation of the new Rajas which are going to be a bright light in the global administration of life on earth.'

Dr Benjamin Feldman then said, 'It is a great honour and supreme joy, in the presence of Maharaja Nader Raam, first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, to invite the dear Vedic Pandits of India to bless us with their traditional chanting of this sixth day of the Coronation of the new Rajas who are going to be a bright light in the global administration of our world.

'Please bring us the blessings of Guru Dev through the chanting of the Constitution of the Universe, the will of God, in the recitation of the Veda.'

In the afternoon session of the global Coronation ceremony, Maharishi said that today's global Puja to Guru Dev was of cosmic magnitude involving the total collective consciousness of our world family.

'Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev,' Maharishi said.

'[This was] another Puja of cosmic magnitude, involving the total collective consciousness of our world family for peace, prosperity, purity, integrity, and invincibility.

'In this Puja with Purusha***, . . . Purusha is a concrete expression of the omnipresent, omniscient Purushottama [supreme Purusha, Totality]. And Puja to Guru Dev is Purushottama; it is the fulfilment of Puja.

'How fortunate we are to be participating in the Vedic Coronation ceremony of Purusha on the seat of Purushottama, from where the administration of the universe has been abstractly continued—and now it will be concretely continued for millennia to come. A vision of Raam Raj [the rule of Total Natural Law in the world] has dawned with this Puja to Guru Dev.

'Now, Dr Feldman, invite the Vedic Pandits to shower on us the blessings of the eternal Vedic tradition that has been coronating from age to age the rulers of the world.

'The tradition is there to transform the physiology of the rulers, Purusha, into its essential abstract reality so that the totality of the transformation mechanics are engaged in administering the world from this, that, or everything to the source of everything, the Constitution of the Universe, the Will of God.

'So please invite the Vedic Pandits to bless us from their traditional Vedic chantings.'

Dr Feldman reviewed Maharishi's address and invited the Vedic Pandits to continue this highly auspicious Coronation.

* Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.

** Purusha: Several of the new Rajas participating in the Coronation are longtime members of the Maharishi Purusha Programme—a programme designed by Maharishi for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of evolution possible and creating world peace. This is accomplished through the extended group practice of the TM-Sidhi programme and activity dedicated to the fulfilment of the many programmes of Maharishi's worldwide organizations.

'Purusha is a very ideal programme. . . . It is a wonderful programme for the individual to harness the full creative potential of Natural Law and use it to enjoy bliss. World peace is a by-product of it. Heavenly life on earth is a by-product of it.'—Maharishi

Purusha also means the Self, the quality of infinite silence of the Unified Field of Natural Law.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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