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The role of Purusha: Administering from the level of infinite silence
by Global Good News staff writer
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4 November 2007
Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, explains the significance of the Maharishi Purusha Programme, two of whose members recently were coronated as Rajas (Administrators) of the Global Country of World Peace, and which also recently celebrated the 26th anniversary of its founding.
Dr Morris reported that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, recently announced, 'The reign of Purusha* started today. It is not a new thing. It is eternal. . . . Now Purusha is voicing the clarion call of their administration for the whole family of nations—administration conducted by silence. This is the beginning of the rule of Purusha in the field of infinite silence itself.'
Dr Morris added that all 192 countries of the world will be enlivened from the level of Purusha's infinite silence. 'It is not the rule of someone who rules someone else. It is Totality/wholeness, ruling Totality/wholeness—the phenomenon of the rule of silence in the Unified Field of Natural Law, in consciousness, in pure intelligence that is always interacting with itself. In these self-interactions, all the forms and phenomena of existence begin. It is infinite silence administering infinite diversity inside that silence.'
This, Dr Morris, explained, is the administration of Purusha—closing their eyes, and from the level of the experience of their own nature flowing in infinite dynamism on the level of the Self administering itself, they will 'rule' their countries. Every Purusha has one country to attend to on that level; and also for a short time during the day, on the relative, waking level of exhibitions, displays, and computer programmes. He added that the Mother Divine Programme will be doing the same for all ladies in the world.
Purusha will be carrying out their programmes from proper Vastu—buildings designed according to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda—a place where all the Laws of Nature totally support the routine of infinite silence. It is, Dr Morris pointed out, 'the administration of Raam, the administration of Brahm—Totality,' as it says in the Vedic Literature: Raam Raj dukh kahu na vyapa—'In the reign of Raam, suffering belonged to no one.'
Dr Morris said, 'One effect of this will be that groups of Purusha and Mother Divine will start to pop up in every country. . . . Every activity will be enriched and enlivened.' Heaven on Earth will be a reality as in the ancient Indian civilization, when 'clouds poured forth rain for the asking as long as Raam ruled'.
This is the rule of 'A'—the sound of infinite silence that knows its own blissful, inner Self. It is administration on the level of bliss becoming blissful, the reality of abstract bliss rising in waves throughout the world. This is the level of Purusha's administration, in which we see a new dawn on earth. Dr Morris also reported that 'the experiences of Purusha in these days are just exactly on this level,' quoting one who was 'experiencing absolutely everything as sparking points of abstract bliss in an ocean of bliss. There is nothing but the light of the Self'.
Dr Morris concluded with a series of beautiful quotes by Maharishi from 30 years ago, pointing out that they have now come true. 'There is a new sovereignty available to the human race . . . the sovereignty of human consciousness. . . . The nature of life is bliss. . . . Man is born to enjoy. . . . The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness. . . . The supreme state of evolution is bliss—man's birthright. . . . Consciousness is the prime mover of life. With pure consciousness, the home of all the Laws of Nature, then action is in accord with Natural Law and no mistakes are made. . . . It is possible to raise any individual and any nation to full invincibility. . . . The power of good is stronger than the power of evil; the power of light is stronger than the power of darkness. . . . It will be very difficult now for ignorance and suffering to continue in the world. . . . The constitutions of nations and the scriptures of religions the world over will be fulfilled. . . . Now life in supreme happiness will be lived for all time.'
* Maharishi has explained that Purusha means the Self, the quality of infinite silence of the Unified Field of Natural Law. The Maharishi Purusha Programme was designed by Maharishi for men who wish to dedicate themselves fulltime to the most rapid pace of evolution possible and creating world peace. This is accomplished through the extended group practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, and activity dedicated to the fulfilment of the many programmes of the Global Country of World Peace.
'Purusha is a very ideal programme. . . . It is a wonderful programme for the individual to harness the full creative potential of Natural Law and use it to enjoy bliss. World peace is a by-product of it. Heavenly life on earth is a by-product of it.'—Maharishi
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