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Good news report from Canada
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12 October 2007
3 October was the 3rd day of the fourth month of the 2nd year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
3 October 2007
The Globe and Mail - Canadian employers seen unfazed by market turmoil (3 October 2007) Canadian employers continued to hire at a healthy pace in September, analysts predicted this week. The economy is expected to have added 17,000 jobs last month, roughly in line with the average job growth of the past six months. 'The still generally healthy fundamentals of the economy have thus far driven job creation. We see those as still in place and are forecasting a continuation of a tight labor market,' said Ryan Brecht, senior economist for North America at Action Economics. Canada has proven surprisingly resilient to the effects of a rising currency. 'Some profit margins tend to widen when the currency appreciates and there has been decent job growth in the services sector,' said Ted Carmichael, head of research at J.P. Morgan Canada. TD Securities expects a surge of new jobs in the education sector and in private paid employment. 'We still see the Canadian employment growth rate at or slightly above the trend rate of 15,000 to 20,000 jobs right now,' said Jacqui Douglas, economics strategist at TD Securities.
The National Post - High Praise As NAFTA Turns 20 (1 October 2007) Canadians and Americans are overwhelmingly pleased with the free trade agreement, according to a new poll by SES Research. Twenty years old this week, the pact is perceived as crucial to the future prosperity of both countries, the survey finds. Around 66% of Canadians favour a stronger economic relationship with its southern neighbours, 75% of whom favour stronger ties with Canada. Around 72% of Canadians and more than 66% of Americans would like to see more integrated transportation ties. 'What really jumped out the most though was that both sides of the border wanted to see a greater freedom of movement,' said Nik Nanos, the president of SES Research.
The Globe and Mail - Building bridges back to nature (3 October 2007) A well-beaten trail leads to an overpass eight metres above the Trans-Canada Highway in Banff, where vehicles whiz beneath at a rate of 24,000 a day in the busy summer tourist season. But this 50-metre-wide structure, covered with grass, trees, and rocks and carefully designed to reduce road noise for those treading on it, is normally off-limits to people. An exception is made for researchers studying how wildlife-crossing structures like this one help bears, cougars, wolves, deer, elk, and other critters traverse the artery. Animals crossing the highway used to result in 800 collisions a year in Banff. Then Parks Canada began erecting wildlife-crossing structures. Now, 24 wildlife crossings, both underpasses and overpasses, have helped reduce animal mortality by 80 per cent. It is considered the largest and most diverse collection of wildlife crossings in the world. In Banff, researchers have noticed that animals are increasingly using the crossings and passing the knowledge on to their young. Officials in some jurisdictions like what they've seen in Banff and are replicating it.
The Globe and Mail - Spotted frog back from the brink (3 October 2007) Canada's most endangered frog species is about to get a major population boost, thanks to a release programme in British Columbia's Fraser Valley region. The critically endangered Oregon spotted frog, which was found to have just 54 breeding pairs this past spring, will have up to 1,800 immature adults swelling its numbers over the coming weeks. The reddish-brown amphibian was the first Canadian animal ever to be placed on the endangered-species roll as an emergency listing. Keena McNeil, a conservation officer for the Seabird Island band [one of Canada's indigenous First Nations], said, 'This is really important to the band. We've created two habitats on our land. It's an endangered species on our reserve and we just want to help it out.'
The Toronto Star - Food growers target customers with a conscience (3 October 2007) A poll by the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation shows 91 per cent of Ontarians would buy locally grown food if they could find it in their grocery stores. It's the latest indication of the growing local food movement, as more people understand that what they eat affects the environment, including exhaust from tailpipes of trucks trundling in food from afar. 'There's a shift,' said Shelley Petrie, program director at the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation. 'It bodes well for this being not just a fad, but a permanent lifestyle change.' Local Food Plus, a Toronto non-profit, has begun to certify food as environmentally 'sustainable'. To become certified, farmers have to be based in Ontario; can't use heavy chemicals, hormones, or antibiotics;have to prove good energy-saving and environmental practices; and must protect and enhance wildlife habitat and biodiversity. LFP can't keep up with the demand from farmers seeking certification.
CBC News - P.E.I. biofuels, organic sectors get boost of nearly $590,000 (28 September 2007) The federal government has announced almost C$460,000 in funding for projects aimed at boosting alternative fuel production and organic agriculture on Prince Edward Island. The funding, announced by federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz in Freetown, P.E.I., includes C$124,900 for the region's organic grain and dairy sectors. 'Biofuels and organic agriculture represent two exciting growth areas for Canadian farmers,' Ritz said.
The Globe and Mail - Sask. farmers win 'alternative Nobel' (2 October 2007) Two Saskatchewan farmers, Percy and Louise Schmeiser, have won the 2007 Right Livelihood Award, founded by a Swedish-German philanthropist to recognize work being ignored by the Nobel Prizes. The Schmeisers were recognized for their legal battles with U.S. agribusiness giant Monsanto Co. over the company's genetically engineered canola plant. In 1998, Monsanto took the couple to court for using its genetically modified patented canola seeds without a licence. The farmers denied they had used the patented seeds, saying they could have blown over from a neighbour's farm or from passing trucks. The case was taken to Canada's Supreme Court where the Saskatchewan farmers lost the case as well as the right to use seed varieties they had painstakingly adapted to their local environment for years. Percy Schmeiser has become a folk hero for defenders of organic farming. The 76-year-old farmer has campaigned across Canada and internationally against genetic engineering in agriculture. In a new legal case, the Schmeisers are suing Monsanto, calling for the company's modified seeds to be considered as contamination after the same canola seeds continued to grow on their land. The Swedish foundation praised the couple for challenging companies claiming to own 'patents on life'. The awards will be presented in a ceremony at the Swedish Parliament on 7 December.
From another Globe and Mail report on this: 'I believe farmers should have the right to be free of genetic contamination and free to seed what they want and not be controlled by a corporation,' Mr Schmeiser said from his farm 85 kilometres east of Saskatoon. He travels the world talking to farmers, environmentalists, and university students, and has been trying to persuade Parliament to change the laws governing genetic engineering.
The Canadian Press - First Nations lieutenant-governor will work for reconciliation (1 October 2007) 'I pledge to be an advocate for education and reconciliation,' British Columbia's new aboriginal lieutenant-governor Steven Point said after being sworn in. 'Reconciliation is not just a legal term, but rather it has far reaching implications for everyone.' Point is a former elected aboriginal chief, a provincial court judge, and until recently was head of the B.C. Treaty Commission. Later, he met with reporters at the official residence of the province's head of state. He said if there can be peace in the playground and a true reconciliation and respect for differences, that may translate into what he called 'a larger and more social peace'. Point said he is now focused on the future, not the past, but also saw the significance in assuming the post first held by Sir Joseph Trutch in 1871, whose racist views of First Nations were well documented. 'I find it to be a victory actually. I find it to be cosmic justice, you might say.'
These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.
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