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Dr David Lynch awarded highest civilian honour of France, the Legion of Honour, and inspires President Nicolas Sarkozy to bring invincibility to his nation
by Global Good News staff writer
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4 October 2007
Dr David Lynch, renowned film maker, has been honoured by the President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, with the Legion d'Honneur* (Legion of Honour) during a grand ceremony at the Elysee presidential palace in Paris on 1 October. In recognition of David Lynch's outstanding contributions to the film industry, President Sarkozy bestowed the highest degree of the Legion d'Honneur, the title of 'Grand Officer', which is rarely received by foreigners. Dr Lynch was the only one to receive the Grand Officer level of the Legion d'Honneur among all those receiving awards that day.
By re-arranging the rigorous protocol which is standard for such occasions, President Sarkozy was able to meet Dr Lynch privately before the presentation. Dr Dominique Lemoine, Administrator of Maharishi's programmes and Founder of Invincibility for France, was also summoned to the private meeting with the President. Dr Lynch had prepared a beautiful speech, which included an invitation to the President to establish a Tower of Invincibility in Paris and to adopt the programmes of the Global Country of World Peace to make his nation invincible.
In his speech, Dr Lynch said, 'Mr President, I have been doing films so far but I want to change the face of the world. I came across a scientist who can create invincibility, Dr John Hagelin'.
The President asked Dr Lynch to explain invincibility, and Dr Lynch continued, saying, 'Invincibility for the whole country and invincibility for you Mr President'. The President asked for more clarification and in reply, Dr Lynch explained about Dr Hagelin's Unified Field theory.
David Lynch then introduced Dr Lemoine as the National Leader of the Global Country of World Peace for France. Dr Lemoine informed President Sarkozy that the 1000 Yogic Flyers required to make France invincible had already been trained and that with these experts, invincibility could be created immediately.
David Lynch then repeated his desire that France should be invincible. Both gentlemen then stood and shook hands, while Dr Lynch said, 'Mr President, I would like to see you as ruler of invincible France. Help Dominique to raise France to invincibility. You should create it because these people who know the technology of invincibility want to have a permanent profession'. Dr Lynch explained that these specially trained people could be asked to come to one place and create invincibility for France, as employees of the government. He told the President that Dominique Lemoine had trained Yogic Flyers for many years, describing it as a mental technique for control of gravity through the thought process.
David Lynch said, 'I know only one word—invincibility—and I want you to see how people have been trained and how the body lifts up. It will be good if you will lay the Foundation Stone of Invincibility for France and I will make a film of your inauguration of the Tower of Invincibility which will go all over world. This is my offer as a film maker. I want France to be invincible'.
President Sarkozy then received a package of knowledge from Dr Lemoine, including a brochure on invincibility by Dr John Hagelin, and a DVD on Unified Field-Based Education.
The large crowd gathered in the grand hall included representatives of the media, the palace guard, and invited special guests. The President surprised the audience by setting aside his prepared speech. Speaking spontaneously, he informed his listeners that David Lynch had been speaking to him about the best way to become invincible. Then he spoke about the career of David Lynch, his great achievements, and how powerful the art of cinema had become in today's world. He mentioned the love of the French people for David Lynch and said, 'You are someone who is essential in today's society'.
Reviewing for the audience some of the knowledge of invincibility which David Lynch had discussed with him, the President said that he should have given the Legion d'Honneur to him much earlier. The President then decorated Dr Lynch with the beautiful medal.
Dr Lemoine explained that normally on such occasions, there is no opportunity for reply from the person receiving the award, but on this very special occasion, Dr Lynch was able to express his gratitude to the President.
'Mr President, I am deeply grateful to you and the people of France for the great distinction of being decorated as an officer of the Legion d'Honneur, and in return for this honour would like to offer invincibility for France to dawn now under your leadership. I respectfully request you to choose an ideal location and build the seat of invincibility for France'.
Following the ceremony, there was an opportunity for press photos and interviews and a grand luncheon in a private hotel. Dr Lynch and Dr Lemoine then toured Paris in search of the best location for the Tower of Invincibility. The beautiful Luxembourg Gardens, which are adjacent to the Senate, were found to have the best orientation. Walking around the gardens, Dr Lynch was greeted by many well-wishers who congratulated him on his award.
Dr Lemoine expressed his sincere hope that the President, the Mayor of Paris, and government ministers will now take advantage of the offer they have received to create invincibility for their country and be a guiding light for all nations of Europe.
* The Legion d'Honneur is France's order of merit, established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802. It is the premier order of France, and its award is one of great distinction. The order's motto is Honneur et Patrie (Honour and Fatherland). Dr Lynch viewed this occasion as significant for establishing true invincibility for France.
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