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Dr Benjamin Feldman responds to Maharishi's address on the second Full Moon of global Raam Raj, 26 September 2007
by Global Good News Staff Writer
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27 September 2007
Following Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's address in celebration of the second full moon of global Raam Raj, Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace, laid out the plans and activities for the Directors of the Global Country over the four weeks until the next full moon.
Having reviewed Maharishi's address, Dr Feldman said that it was a great honour and privilege to open the doors of the infinite treasury that have been opened already by the blessings of Guru Dev*, bestowed on the world by Maharishi through the Global Administration of Maharaja Nader Raam, his Ministers and Rajas, and all those who have used the knowledge of total Natural Law, the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda in their own Self, their own Atma, and have blessed the world with the unbounded treasury of knowledge that has given us today the opportunity of performing Puja [Vedic ceremony of gratitude] to Guru Dev.
Dr Feldman said that it is the gift of this second month of the first year of invincibility to every nation, that we have organized the structure for global administration, and even on the level of the surface communication, we have achieved automation in administration.
'192 countries have been allocated to receive the blessings of Guru Dev in terms of invincibility,' Dr Feldman said, 'and the provinces of the biggest countries of the world have been allocated to different desks in offices fitted with the most advanced system of modern communication and information. These 192 countries have begun to receive daily communication on this pattern of global administration.'
What is necessary now, said Dr Feldman, is to organize the activities of the Governors [teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Programme], the Directors of the global administration of Maharaja Nader Raam's treasury.
'Maharaja Nader Raam's treasury seems to be bubbling up to proclaim millionaireship to the honourable directors that are upholding the activity of the global administration of invincibility for every nation,' Dr Feldman said.
Dr Feldman said that he feels it is necessary is for the directors to plan their activity during the next three weeks of the third month of the year of invincibility starting today—and on the fourth week, immediately following the auspicious celebration of Vijaya Dashami, Victory Day in the Vedic calendar [in October], Dr Feldman would like them to have one week of rejuvenation through Maharishi Ayur-Veda Panchakarma, as the starting of the next month of activity from the level of millionaireship.
'Having had one week of Panchakarma, the Directors will launch their responsibility on the level of millionaireship from a very fresh level in their own physiology and consciousness,' said Dr Feldman.
'These first three weeks until Vijaya Dashami will be the preparatory performance to launch the full-fledged programme of invincibility for every nation, and immediately after Vijaya Dashami, finishing one week of Panchakarma, the Directors will come out fresh and vital, reverberating in the waves of invincibility.'
'The structure of the global administration has been completed during the past month,' said Dr Feldman, 'and today is the time this celebration inspires the treasury of Maharaja Nader Raam to announce that the coming month is the preparatory month for the Directors of the global administration to begin to behave like millionaires from the following month.
'I will be informing the Rajas tomorrow of the details of the outline of the activity and economy of the Directors, but this is the theme, this is the special projection of this month that is dawning today, with the second full moon following Guru Purnima [global celebration held on the full moon in July], the start of the Year of Invincibility for Every Nation.
'The details of this preparation during the following weeks will be issued tomorrow,' Dr Feldman continued, 'and we feel so fortunate to offer salutations and congratulations to Maharaja Nader Raam from everyone around the world, for giving us the third month of the first year of invincibility for every nation.
'We are feeling the warmth and the softness, the safety of Raam Raj emerging in the world. We are feeling the level of administration of the Global Country of World Peace, defined as Raam Raj dukh kahu na vyapa [''In the reign of Raam suffering belongs to no one.'']
'It is our greatest, miraculous fortune of everyone in the world today, to be able to offer with Maharishi all our wishes of devotion and our duty to Guru Dev.
'With this bubbling up of the treasury of Maharaja Nader Raam for the millionaireship of the Governors, Sidhas [Yogic Flyers], the Directors of global administration of invincibility to every nation, we offer our gratitude.'
On behalf of the Rajas of Maharaja's global administration, Dr Feldman then invited Dr Harris Kaplan, the Raja of India and Canada, 'to express the blessings of all the Rajas, for the coming month, which will bring us the possibility of offering in Puja to Guru Dev next month, our complete readiness in principle and practice to have a global administration on the lines of that administration of the ever-expanding universe—without a problem, on the basis of the Constitution of the Universe.'
*Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas
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