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A model programme for treating addictions
by Global Good News South American staff writer

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
15 September 2007

On 15 September 2007 Global Country of World Peace reported: Invincibility for Colombia has been strengthened by the coherence of almost 100 new Yogic Flyers, who were instructed by the Administrator of the TM-Sidhi Programme of Colombia, Luz Marine Lazcano, at three of the Claret Homes rehabilitation centres, which are located in Cali, Pereira, and Medellín. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of world peace.

Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme is incorporated as part of the daily activities of the Claret Homes, where young boys and girls come to be rehabilitated for drug addiction.

Thanks to the initiative of Father Gabriel Antonio Mejia Montoya, the founder of the Claret Homes, children who may be without shelter or hope that they can beat drug addiction, have a safe environment.

The Homes have beautiful names like Freedom, Winds of Change, New Life, and New Light. In them, in addition to other approaches of treatment, the practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique is obligatory for all the residents. It is also offered to the staff.

The practice of TM helps bring the children's minds and bodies back into balance—a balance that has been thrown off by their use of, and subsequent dependency on, toxic substances.

The benefits that the practice of Transcendental Meditation Technique brings to the child have been scientically verified. Investigation indicates that TM produces an ample range of psychological, spiritual, social, environmental, and physiological effects opposed to the drug addiction factors.

In addition, these effects happen naturally, as a collateral benefit of the neutralization of stress and the experience of inner fullness and freedom. When the inner well-being increases, the dependency on external stimuli becomes less prominent; balance also increases, along with the ability to maintain one's inner control in different circumstances.

While helping the child lose his or her dependence on drugs, the practice of Transcendental Meditation can simultaneously strengthen all the levels of the individual life. TM offers:

• primary prevention to individuals against stress and the inner frustration that leads to drug addition

• secondary prevention reducing the ascending spiral of frustration and increasing dependency of the drug addict

• treatment of the dependency, reversing weaknesses and chronic imbalances of the mind.

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