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Mother Divine Programme celebrates 26th anniversary - Part II
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8 September 2007
Global Good news continues reporting on the global celebrations of the 26th anniversary of the founding of the Mother Divine(sm) Programme* around the world on 31 August 2007. Following is the continuation of the beautiful address by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, speaking from the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in MERU, Holland, on this occasion.
Please see Part I of this article.
Maharishi continued to discuss the new organizational structure through which the Mother Divine Programme participants will inspire the enlightenment of the mothers and children of the world.
'The whole thing is going to be a play for each Mother Divine—just about one hour, two hours, a week; and all the other times, they have their other kind of recreation. The other kind of recreation will be their own assemblies and discussions. The [whole] thing will start, but on this point of bringing enlightenment to the world: an hour a week, two hours a week, will be enough.
'The other days, one hour a day [will be] for their meeting together, conversing about it. I will lay out all these values and you will be discussing. What will you be discussing? The whole of the field of knowledge, Total Knowledge. Total Knowledge. And Total Knowledge is very compactly available in one syllable—this is Vedic wisdom—in the first syllable of the Veda. That is the syllable of the Atma, of the Self. Self-referral dynamics create the reverberations, and that is the Veda, Shruti, that is heard. It is heard on the sensory level.
'One hears through the ears, one sees through the eyes: all these beautiful avenues of knowledge will be discussed in the small groups of Mother Divine wherever they are. Wherever they are, we'll set up this communication; and this will be one hour a day; and this we call entertainment, or the playfield of Mother Divine in the field of knowledge.
'One hour a day, and one hour a week: one hour a day for the joy of Mother Divine herself, and one hour a week for the joy of Mother Divine to bless the world through a letter to the Mother Divine of their country, their country. This will create the assembly of Mother Divine in each country. So one Mother Divine will create a miraculous awakening in all the mothers of that country.
'One hour a day on the recreation of knowledge: discussion and all that. I'll set up the details; but just now I'm enjoying laying out a new perspective of not only the concept, but the reality, of Mother Divine—after 26 years of Mother Divine in increasing numbers in the world, year after year, year after year.
'We are enriching the entertainment level of Mother Divine, daily and weekly; and there will be a record monthly. This will be a very direct participation of Mother Divine, in their own nature, to nourish the children of the world.
'Mother Divine . . . all the 26 years, by maintaining their own self-referral, have been radiating the light of enlightenment in the collective consciousness of their own countries, of their own whole world.
'But now, it comes on a well-regulated, well-formulated, specific area of entertainment in the field of knowledge. Knowledge of what? Knowledge of their own characteristic quality of nourishing the world. As we pull the arrow back, it gains more strength to shoot forward.
'This Mother Divine have been doing for 26 years; and now as Mother Divine will not only be throwing arrows, but Mother Divine will be flying over the arrow and hitting the target everywhere, everywhere. This is what comes to me to inaugurate a new chapter, a new field of performance of Mother Divine.
'All the 26 years: draw inwards, inwards, finer and finer levels in the field of mind and intellect and ego, and cosmic ego, and all the seven states of consciousness, Atma rises to Brahma—all this inward and inward, and inward, and inward. The experiences of Mother Divine in their [practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme] I have been hearing, particularly in this MUM (Maharishi University of Management) Invincible Assembly**.
'Mother Divine's inner experiences are . . . drawing inside, inside: coming to that wholeness, abstract wholeness, self-awareness; and how that self-awareness rises in a wave of thought, memory; and how the impulse of memory, the activity of the memory, comes up to be a heard sound. That is Shruti, that is heard. That is the Veda.
'Some experiences on this level have been heard from both Purusha and Mother Divine in this Invincible Assembly in MUM. It is not only in MUM that they are experiencing . . . In all other places, where I don't have a chance of listening to the experiences, there are also Mother Divine [who] must be experiencing what is being experienced in that Invincible Assembly of MUM.
'This is the time now for me to have both roles of Mother Divine: drawing inwards, and, originating from that inner silence, outwards. Drawing inwards for 26 years, and now taking delight in the origin of thought. The finest field becomes grosser, grosser.
So both ways now: four hours a day morning and evening for seven days; and an hour talking about it, thinking about it, expressing it in words, coming out, grosser, grosser. So the best way to come out is that the outgoing arrows of the awareness of the attention of Mother Divine reach the field of multiplicity—outside, outside, grosser, grosser.
'We are formulating this today on the 26th anniversary of Mother Divine: how to practise the outward march of awareness. Inward march of awareness, [and] at the same time, outward march of awareness.
'This came out to be so freshening to the life of the people, which is ''outside'' life. Mother Divine's awareness from inside to outside will be through expressed words, expressed language, like that. So we will have a country adopted by each Mother Divine, and we will very soon have lots of Mother Divine in every country, just with this one letter a week.
'The letter will be a short letter. I'll give the points of the short letter . . . in the beginning; and then afterwards it will be spontaneous in the expression of Mother Divine. So on this 26th anniversary, it seems to be very timely that the experiences of Mother Divine belong to the outward-originating, outward-going mind.
'Until now it was inward-going mind, always inward. That inward-going mind will always continue; but now, the outward-going [mind] will also be on the conscious thinking level. Automatically that will happen. Mother Divine will be functioning from the level of Brahmi Chetana, from the level of Brahman Consciousness, from the level of Unity Consciousness.
'Just as Purusha will be playing their role to elevate Purusha, in the same way, from tomorrow, from today, we are ringing the bell of invincibility for the mothers in the world to have this thing. And further on, each Mother Divine will inspire, [there will be] a second or third stage of inspiration to those responsible ladies who already have their leadership role in their country. They will be inspired to open universities of Total Knowledge to everyone. They will be inspired to open all those hospitals; they will be taught Vastu Vidya—how to have Fortune-Creating Homes®.
'Just in these small, small letters, the material is full with us. In small pieces material will be given out to them, one letter a week—that's all, one letter a week.'
Maharishi also noted that it would be simple and easy to send the same letter quickly to many places via email: 'It doesn't take a long time as in the days of slow-moving progress. One had to write a letter by hand, and write the address and put the stamp and go to the post office and post it. All those hardships are over. Mother Divine will have two–three paragraphs per week, press the button and it's gone.
'This will be the new role of Mother Divine, new role in an expressed manner. Otherwise the effect of that role in an unknown manner, unexpressed manner has been there all the 26 years, a very fortunate 25 [years] of Mother Divine's life.
We have about 24 Raja Rajeshwaris*** Mother Divine. If there are 24 Raja Rajeshwaris, then each Raja Rajeshwari will have eight Mother Divine; and we have been hearing that Durgamba [in the Vedic Literature, the expression of infinite organizing power] has eight hands. Durgamba has eight hands. So each Raja Rajeshwari has the company of eight Mother Divines. . . . Then these eight Mother Divines will make eight emails once a week. Eight emails means they make one email with addresses which the computer does. You press the button and that letter goes by email. It's a very delightful thing in the sense of saving time.
'Now after 26 years the time-saving device comes through this email system, and through the world having 24 Mother Divine on the very top level of enlightenment, Raja Rajeshwaris. They have just to think, and they think for an hour, this is to go this week, they pass it on to their eight, and the eight pass [it] on to their one country each, one country each, in a very playful mood.
'This programme of Mother Divine will bring enlightenment to the mothers of the world; and the enlightenment of the mothers of the world will have enlightened children in each family, in each society, in each nation, in the whole family of nations.
'I think this news of celebrating the 26th anniversary has inspired us through the grace of Guru Dev****. This is the third day of the Global Raam Raj that we are celebrating, the third day of Global Raam Raj, so [this will be] one more wing of the administration of Raam Raj.
'Raam Raj administration is the administration of Raja Raam. Administration of Raja Raam is the administration of Brahm. Raam is defined as Brahm Paramaratha Rupa: pure spirituality. Raam is pure spirituality, pure Brahm. So it's a great day today, for me to lay out the new divine role—which is not new; but in our awareness it is new.
'It's the same age-old, ancient role of Mother Divine to nourish the world. But it dawned to us today, in the context of celebrating this anniversary day, the organizational structure of Mother Divine.
'Mother Divine had been all there. Only the global structure of administration was not there. Today we have created a global structure of the parental role of Mother Divine to bless the world to be fully enlightened, to be on the pinnacle of invincibility, to be [in] completely integrated life.
'All these pangs of ignorance, all these difficulties and conflicts, all these quarrels in society, will simply not be there. Very soon, today, I feel the dawn of a new sunrise which has eliminated the darkness of the night with the first rising ray of the sun.
'In that first rising ray of the sun I am led by the grace of Guru Dev to give out this plan, which has always been there. But it has not been in the conscious awareness of the mothers of the world. Now today, 192 mothers of the world and for their help, as their spirit, 24 Raja Rajeshwaris: they will be consciously playing their role of nourishing the children of the world.
'So with this we offer our Puja [Vedic ceremony of gratitude] to Guru Dev today. And today, celebrating the 26th birthday, 26th anniversary of Mother Divine, we are offering all these flowers of our thoughts at the lotus feet of Guru Dev, and we are receiving from him this programme of Mother Divine, and we will follow this all day long.
'Jai Guru Dev, and Jai Guru Dev, and Jai Guru Dev.'
* 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Mother Divine Programme, inaugurated in 1981, is an advanced programme to allow ladies the opportunity to deepen their experiences of the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi Programmes, including Yogic Flying, and enliven 24-hour bliss in daily life; and to create large, permanent coherence-creating groups to radiate a powerful influence of harmony and bliss throughout the whole world.
**The Invincible America Assembly, in progress since July 2006 at Maharishi University of Management (MUM) and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA.
*** Administrators of ladies' programmes of the Global Country of World Peace
*** Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(SM) Service.
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