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Celebrating the beginning of new era of human life, the dawn of global invincibility, on Guru Purnima, 29 July, 2007
by Global Good News Staff Writer
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20 July 2007
During the Global Press Conference on Poverty Removal on 19 July, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, announced that during the celebrations for Guru Purnima, 29 July, 2007, the foundation stones for Maharishi Towers of Invincibility will be laid in 50 countries around the world.
Dr Morris said that this would take place at noon, the zenith of the sun, or in Vedic terms, the 'Sandhi', or gap, at the middle of the day. Starting in New Zealand, the most easterly country, and then progressing at noon in Australia, noon in Japan, noon in China, then noon in India, the foundation stone of the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility will be laid in the land designated for that tower.
Dr Morris said that the Tower of Invincibility is being designed by experts in Vedic architecture, at MERU in Holland, the World Capital of the Global Country of World Peace, and the idea is that the ground floor of the Tower of Invincibility will be a school.
If the population of the country is 16 million, the school would have the square root of 1% of that figure, which is 400 high school students practising Yogic Flying there together. Rising up above them would be the Tower, which will be five or six stories high, even up to 10 or 12 stories, depending on the size of the country.
Within the Tower would be exhibitions about the tower, about invincibility, all the scientific knowledge that Dr Hagelin expressed today, Dr Morris said. Also, at the top there will be a place for observation, and the head of the government, the Prime Minister or President, will be invited to have an office on the top of Maharishi Tower of Invincibility. They will then be able to sit at the top of the tower and enjoy the powerful bliss and coherence of the youngsters beneath them in the school, rising up through the tower and spreading instantaneously, in a single stroke, to the whole population of the country.
Starting in New Zealand, this inauguration will last for 18 hours—approximately the amount of time it takes to go from noon in New Zealand to noon in all the different spots of the world, and finally to reach noon time in California, USA.
Dr Morris said that at the same time, at the Brahmasthan of India, the sacred centre point of the Land of the Veda, groups of Vedic Pandits from the precious Vedic families of India, will be reciting the Ati Rudrabhishek. This is a very powerful Vedic performance from the level of the Unified Field, using the sounds of Veda, the sounds of the Constitution of the Universe, to stimulate the field of infinite silence, infinite peace in world consciousness, Dr Morris said.
This 18 hours of recitation will be broadcast simultaneously on the global television network of the Maharishi Channel around the world on the great day in the Vedic calendar, the day of Guru Purnima, the day when Guru Dev* and the whole Vedic Tradition is honoured. It will be available on the Internet, continued Dr Morris, through the Global Country of World Peace website. As they dig the earth and lay the foundation stone for their Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, everyone will be able to watch and hear the live performance of Ati Rudrabhishek by the Vedic Pandits in India.
'As the sun moves from its zenith, in place after place after place, the whole world will be thrilling with this Vedic performance for perpetual world peace from the centre of India. This will be the great day when Maharishi will celebrate with the whole world the Dawn of Global Invincibility, which Maharishi has said will mark the beginning of a new era of human life,' Dr Morris said. 'It will be called Year One of Global Invincibility for the human race, and with that will be the unity of the world under the administration of Maharaja Nader Raam, the first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace.'
'In the Global Country of World Peace, all nations are united in one family under the administration of the Constitution of the Universe: not the administration of man-made law, as it has been for thousands of years, but administration by cosmic law, God's law. The law of Totality, which is the administrator of the whole universe at every moment anyway, will be there to support every government and every nation in the world, so that there will no poverty anywhere in the world,' said Dr Morris.
'At the same time, there will be no war or conflict,' he said. 'The sense of everything dominated by diversity, of everything separated, fighting and conflicting, is going to be replaced by the predominance of unity and harmony in the entire world family.'
This is what is going to happen on Guru Purnima, Dr Morris said, and it will also be supported by Dr Hagelin bringing up a new university, in the centre of the United States, inspired by the success of the Invincible America Assembly * Guru Dev: His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, Maharishi's Master.
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