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Maharishi's words for the Tower of Invincibility at Maharishi University of Management
by Global Good News staff writer
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26 July 2007
On the day when the first beautiful white slabs of marble were being installed on the new Maharishi Tower of Invincibility at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA on 16 July 2007, it was announced that 'Maharishi wishes to see that such a Tower of Invincibility could come up in every country to commemorate the dedication of the patriots of this generation to be the delight of the patriots of every generation.'
In this way, the patriots of all future generations, seeing the Tower of Invincibility and the words inscribed upon it, will then know what was accomplished by the patriots of our generation who crowned their nation with Invincibility.
Dr Bevan Morris, the President of Maharishi University of Management, and Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, said: '. . . I would just like to add that the wording of the four sides (of the Invincibility Tower) is being refined by Maharishi himself. Very kindly he is polishing the wording and most especially the wording which honours Guru Dev*.
'As one approaches from the east, what one will see is the tablet that honours Guru Dev, with the picture of Maharishi and Guru Dev together, engraved into the marble. It will be a delight to read the words, because they are full of the cosmic impulse of Maharishi's supreme intelligence.'
Maharishi has given a quote for the fourth panel of the Tower, that honours those who have worked at Maharishi University of Management, and all those in the community in Maharishi Vedic City.
Maharishi's quote reads: 'I feel the construction of the Tower of Invincibility marks the fulfilment of my aspiration to establish the University in 1971—Maharishi'
Other panels on the Tower of Invincibility will honour Maharaja Nader Raam, first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace; Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace; Dr John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace; Dr Howard and Dr Alice Settle, for their contributions to creating an Invincible America; and the final panel, the fourth of the panels on the four sides of the tower, will honour all those who have worked and who have given generously to make the Invincible America Assembly come into existence.
'The tower will be inaugurated on Guru Purnima day, 29 July 2007,' said Dr Morris, 'and Maharishi has kindly permitted that the Vedic Pandits who are there at Maharishi Vedic City will formally inaugurate the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility with the appropriate Vedic recitations, the sounds of Nitya and Apaurasheya Veda, the sounds of the Constitution of the Universe.
This Maharishi Tower of Invincibility will now be emulated all over the world. New Towers are already planned for the city of Adelaide in Australia, under the dynamic leadership of Dr David Seymour; and in each of the nine prefectures of the land of the Rising Sun, Japan, under the guidance of Dr Shizuo Suzuki.
'So already in two countries, in Australia and Japan, Maharishi's desire to see a Tower of Invincibility in every country is beginning to happen,' concluded Dr Morris. 'It will begin to happen everywhere with this message of Maharishi today, that he wishes a Tower of Invincibility to come up in every country, to commemorate the dedication of the patriots of this generation to be the delight of the patriots of every future generation.'
*Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas
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