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Retired airforce colonel discusses an invincible national armour
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 June 2007

Colonel Günther Chasse, a retired Colonel from the German Airforce, was interviewed recently by Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communications for the Global Country of World Peace, on the topic of Invincible Defence. It opened with a discussion of the inability of the world's military today to defend their nations, and continued with a discussion of what governments should really be looking for.

Question: In the light of your experience, Colonel, with Maharishi's Vedic Invincible Defence, what should the governments be looking for?

Colonel Günther Chasse: 'We know we have a very simple and easy system of defence, and it is also very inexpensive, just a very small fraction of defence budget today in the US and Germany. . . . What is necessary is a small group of people ... trained in this technology of defence. . . .

'If these groups practice this technology together in one place, they . . . enliven the integrating, pacifying, harmonizing qualities of natural law in the whole nation, in the whole population, and they radiate waves of coherence and harmony into the collective consciousness of the nation. . . . By this they neutralise stress and strain which is the root cause of all conflict, of all wars. . . .

'This Maharishi Effect creates such a strong atmosphere of coherence, harmony, and cordiality in the nation that no negativity can penetrate from outside into the nation. It creates an invincible national armour of harmony and coherence. It is so strong that no negativity, no enmity can penetrate from outside. This protection shield can be compared with the Meissner effect in Quantum Physics.

'A very nice effect which comes out of the Maharishi Effect within the nation. . . . The whole nation starts to radiate this quality to all other nations around it, and the nation shares its invincibility with all the other nations, and this prevents the birth of an enemy around the nation, and this is Real Defence. This is what we expect from defence. It is no offence, because, it creates . . . only friends . . . so we really transform defence into true defence. We transform the enemy into a friend. We prevent the birth of an enemy, and we avert the danger which has not yet come. This is a Vedic principle of defence called Heyam dukham anagatam. . . .'

Question: You have been traveling all round the world addressing people in senior positions in the military and in government, what gives you the confidence to say, it really does work?

Colonel Günther Chasse: '. . . I can speak up because of personal experience . . . about 4-5 million people around the world are practising today Transcendental Meditation . . . and all these people experience this unbounded field of awareness. . . . Everyone who does it can see the effect right away when he stimulates by mere thought, small mental impulse . . . that the unified field is instantaneously putting into action what has been thought by a mere small thought . . . the body lifts up. . . . So we have the personal experience . . . it is nothing just theoretical we speak about. . . .

'What gives us confidence also are our great scientists like Dr John Hagelin, who explain to us why this technology has this phenomenon of effecting surrounding nations. . . . These scientists show us graphically where we can find true invincibility in nature, in physics, and in the different levels of nature...

'Only in the unified field, the field of Atma, is true Invincibility (to be found), and this is the level we use for the new technology of defence. . . . This field is millions of times stronger than the nuclear level, and the beauty is that it can only have an evolutionary effect. It cannot have a destructive effect. It is always in favour of life. You cannot destroy on this level, because it is the built-in indestructible structure of Natural Law to sustain this whole universe, and nothing can touch this area, nothing can destroy it, nothing can harm it. And this is the level from where the future wars are being fought. From the level of silence.'

Colonel Chasse closed with these words of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - 'All great things in nature happen naturally, easily, and effortlessly just merely by inspiring the nation.'

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