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Discover Hannover's best-kept secret
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 February 2007

The German monthly magazine Hannover Stadtkind features, in its February issue, a substantial 5-page article on the Maharishi Peace Palace in Hannover, Germany.

Opening with pictures of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Global Country of World Peace, and the interior of the Hannover Peace Palace, the article invites the reader to 'Discover Hannover's Best-Kept Secret,' the phrase used to publicize the Peace Palace's programmes, which drew the interest of the magazine.

Describing the programmes of the Peace Palace and of the Global Country of World Peace, the article gives the historical perspective of Maharishi's worldwide Transcendental Meditation Movement. During a tour of Germany in 1963, Maharishi gave a lecture in Hannover; on his second visit in 1967, the hall where he spoke was so crowded that he had to give the same lecture twice.

The article discusses the founding of the Global Country of World Peace with its first sovereign ruler, Maharaja Nader Raam. It also describes the current projects to build 300 Peace Palaces all over Germany for peace-creating groups of Vedic Pandits from India to create invincibility for the nation.

The article goes on to discuss the benefits of the programmes of the Global Country of World Peace. It quotes Maharishi describing the profound value of his Transcendental Meditation and advanced programmes for unfolding full human potential: 'In the past 40-50 years we have tested it in all parts of the world to show that our programme is the programme that uncovers the Truth of the reality of life, which is effulgent, which is bliss, which is fulfilment, which is invincible, invincible, invincible...'

In a two-page interview following the article, Dr Emanuel Schiffgens, director of the Hannover Peace Palace, explains that in Germany 200,000 people have learnt Transcendental Meditation, and 8,000 practise the advanced technology of Yogic Flying; and that the flag of the Global Country of World Peace is flying in 192 countries in the world. He also explains that the good effects of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying are confirmed by hundreds of scientific research studies.

During the interview, the question of freedom of the press is raised. Dr Schiffgens responds that 'the Press should inspire the government to crown Germany with invincibility in the interest of all its citizens. Furthermore, they should inspire millionaires and billionaires to give a part of their wealth to the creation of Heaven on Earth. The Press should take this freedom.'

In answer to a question on democracy, Dr Schiffgens elaborates on Germany's need for a Cosmic Constitution: 'A permanent group of 2,000 Yogic Flyers in one place will create the coherence, harmony, orderliness, and peace in the collective consciousness of the nation that is required to crown Germany with invincibility,' he explains. 'All positive trends would increase, all negative trends decrease. The government on all levels—city, state, and federal—would be successful. This would be Heaven on Earth: everyone would be happy, healthy, and wise, and this would be the gift of the Constitution of the Universe, which governs the ever-expanding universe in perfect order.'

The article closes with a humorous cartoon of Yogic Flyers rising so high that they bump their heads on the roof. The caption reads: 'After such incidents have increased, it is compulsory since 1 January 2007, to wear helmets during Yogic Flying.'

(For more information about the Hannover Peace Palace, visit:

(For more on the article in Stadtkind magazine, visit:

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