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Good news report from Canada

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
28 January 2007

27 January was the 27th day of the seventh month of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

27 January 2007

The Ottawa Citizen - Canada's spy master warns of excessive security measures (27 January 2007) Canada's spy master is warning that excessive government secrecy and draconian counter-terrorism measures will only play into the hands of terrorists. 'The response to the terrorist threat, whether now or in the future, should follow the long-standing principle of `in all things moderation', Jim Judd, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, said in a recent Toronto speech.

Judd said governments and societies must measure their response to terrorism by keeping in mind that it is driven by the aspirations and actions of a select group of individuals and groups.

'We, therefore, have to avoid falling prey to the terrorist propaganda which would have people believe that this is a clash of civilizations or cultures or religions,' he said. 'Over-reaction to terrorism, it should be remembered, is a fundamental objective of most terrorists in history. We should not accommodate their goals in this regard.'

Bloomberg News reports (26 January 2007) Canadian stocks had their biggest weekly gain in two months. The TSX Composite Index advanced 51.98 to 12,979.26. The benchmark index, up 260.27 points or 2.1 per cent since Jan. 19, notched its third straight weekly advance.

The Globe and Mail - Welcome to the new climate (27 January 2007) If political issues have recognized tipping points, there is little doubt we're in the midst of one now on global warming and the environment. The environment was cited as the top issue by 26 per cent of respondents in polling conducted in mid-January. The shift amounts to the equivalent of a public-opinion earthquake—last May the environment was on the minds of a mere 3 per cent of Canadians.

This tipping point has arrived quickly and convincingly. Its impact is apparent at the top ranks of the government. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his ministers have blanketed the country with a flurry of green initiatives over the past month.

Andrew Weaver is one of Canada's most influential thinkers on global warming and editor of the prestigious Journal of Climate, published by the American Meteorological Society. The University of Victoria professor is grasping for an event that would explain the abrupt change of public mood. 'This has happened since the spring. I don't know what it is,' Dr Weaver says. But regardless of whether it's because of one event or many, Dr Weaver says: 'Right now it's resonating. It's the No. 1 issue in Canada.'

The National Post - Housing part of Toronto's green plan (27 January 2007) Toronto city coffers are being used to implement a wide range of measures that will reduce the strain on energy and water supplies, improve air quality and save money, such as equipping its fleet with biodiesel, hybrid-electric, and natural gas-powered vehicles that spew far fewer emissions.

Last July, the city adopted the Toronto Green Development Standard that is to be applied immediately to all new city-owned and -affiliated construction. 'We're the only municipality that has our own independent, comprehensive set of green development standards,' says city councillor Gord Perks.

The Toronto Star - Warm weather means fewer accidents (25 January 2007) Ontario Provincial Police are crediting a delayed start to winter for a 27 per cent drop in collisions on the province's highways so far this season. Between 1 December and 21 January, the OPP reported 12,369 collisions. During the same period last winter, the number of highway accidents clocked in at 16,896.

CanWest News Service - Canadian unity praised as model for Brits' waning self-identity (27 January 2007) In a speech at the University of Oxford, British House of Commons leader Jack Straw hailed Canada as an ideal model that balances multicultural diversity with allegiance to a 'national community' of shared beliefs, values and stories.

Canada, which had to establish its nationalism across a 'vast continent,' has achieved a kind of civic cohesion that still eludes modern Britain, said Straw, a former foreign secretary. 'Most of the people that comprise a nation will never meet. Yet, their mental image of communion is strong enough to manifest itself...,' Straw said, praising Canada's 'clear sense of nationhood' and its 'more developed sense of citizenship'.

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City.

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