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Press reports reflect increasing national coherence on the seventh month, 9th day of the 'Invincible Holland' assembly, 20 October 2006
by Global Good News staff writer
Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
27 October 2006
Today is the 9th day of the seventh month of Dutch national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:
20 October 2006
Het Financieele Dagblad: 'Quick action against the climate problem is the plea of Prime Ministers Balkenende and Blair, calling for more research' - According to Prime Ministers Balkenende and Blair in an address to their European colleagues, the European Union cannot afford to ignore climate change. Europe has to invest quickly in research in technology through which the greenhouse gas Carbon Dioxide can be significantly diminished. The Prime Ministers emphasized that the EU should also expand its system for trading emissions rights.
Trouw: 'Shopping with a good conscience thanks to a fair-trade label on the website' - Fairfood, a young and ambitious campaign organization wants to mobilize the consumer in the battle against hunger in the world. Fairfood has selected 1,200 food products from food producers that are working hard for sustainability and food producers that guarantee that employees in their production chain are earning sufficient money to take care of their basic needs such as food, clothing, and living.
De Telegraaf: 'Switch off' - With an ambitious programme the EU can save about € 100 billion in energy costs annually by 2020. The programme will be rolled out in the coming six years. According to Euro Commissioner Piebalgs of Energy, Europe has been wasting about 20% of its energy.
De Telegraaf: 'Organic tastes better' - Party Leader Femke Halsema of Green-Left states that she is mainly eating vegetarian, and almost always organic, not only because it is better for the environment, but because it tastes better.
De Telegraaf: 'Dutch harvest excellent due to mild weather' - Most grape farmers in Holland are quite satisfied with their harvest of good to excellent quality. Colleagues in Germany, Luxembourg, and the French Elzas and Bourgogne had trouble with the extreme weather conditions, for the Dutch farmers it has worked out just fine.
Creating national invincibility
Groups of experts in Yogic Flying are engaged in creating coherent national consciousness in the Netherlands, United States, Canada, Hamsa (Hungary), and an increasing number of other nations, which are enjoying a dramatic and sustained upsurge in positive economic and social trends.
Dr Paul Gelderloos, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace for the Netherlands, reports that 400 Yogic Flyers have been assembled at MERU, the Netherlands, since 12 April 2006.
Extensive research published in the world's leading scientific journals has found that the group practice of the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme Yogic Flying by the square root of one per cent of a population is sufficient to reduce negative trends, including crime and violence, and to promote positive economic and social tendencies throughout society.
The cost to train and employ such a group is a small fraction of what any government spends on its military in a single day.
Maharishi's approach to invincibility is in sharp contrast to the conventional military approach. 'Our approach does not require the government to sacrifice the youth for the sake of the nation—because when the youth are killed in war, then for whom is the nation?' Maharishi said.
The harmony and progress of the human race are founded on the internal harmony and progress of every individual. No stress, no strain, no impediment, no difficulty can withstand the totally benign influence of the enlivenment of the Unified Field of Natural Law, the field of Transcendental Consciousness, the field of pure knowledge, through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme.
Refer to: Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme: Collected Papers, Volumes 1-5 (over 5,000 pages; Volumes 6-7 in press), a Maharishi University of Management Publication.
Enjoy the entire publication of the success of the 'Invincible Holland' course, as seen in the news reports during the first three months of the assembly, by downloading a 1.3mb file:
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