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Raja of the Netherlands describes the emergence of Invincible Holland
by Global Good News staff writer
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16 July 2006
Raja Willem, Raja of The Netherlands made a presentation during the Guru Purnima Celebration to the assembly of over a thousand in MERU, Holland and to thousands more connected via video conferencing and the Maharishi Channel.
Raja Willem expressed his great appreciation, on behalf of all the Dutch people, for the great blessing of having Maharishi's residence in Holland. He said, 'We are so grateful that the greatest seer in the history of mankind, choose to live in our country. This is an enormous blessing for all the Dutch people.
'Maharishi once said that Holland is the only country whose name has a great resemblance to wholeness of life. He said, giving wholeness to all the people in the world should be the primary work of Hollanders. He said, the real perspective of Holland is: People who know the art of living wholeness of life.
'More recently Maharishi mentioned that Dutch people are simple, sincere, and serene. Maharishi said that for a small country, it is of extreme importance that it is not dependant on any other country. It is important that Holland not be influenced by negative forces from outside or from inside. That it should not only maintain its sovereignty, but much more than that: It should be invincible, or 'onoverwinlijk' in Dutch.
'The first time Maharishi spoke about Dutch invincibility was on the 31st of October 2004. He said: ''We welcome the change of time. Today the time has changed. We welcome invincibility to The Netherlands and through The Netherlands, invincibility to every nation.''
'At that time the word invincibility in Holland was a word that remained in dictionaries, but through advertisements, articles, radio and TV interviews, websites, and airplane-banners, it became a more normal household word.'
Raja Willem went on to explain that on the full moon, 13th of April 2006, 400 Yogic Flyers came together in The Netherlands to create invincibility for the nation. Since that time the Dutch press reported on the rise of positivity in the nation, in the areas of increased economic growth, consumer trust, reduced regulations, and more educational funding.
Raja Willem expressed his appreciation and thanks to Dr Gelderloos, the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace in the Netherlands for his great contribution in helping to organize the course and providing the daily news reports reflecting the growth of coherence in The Netherlands.
To stabilize this very positive trend, Raja Willem said that the Global Country of World Peace is renting buildings for teaching and spa-treatments. In addition, last week the inauguration of Invincibility Schools took place in The Netherlands. The event received good attention from the press. In addition a master plan for building in MERU, Holland has been created.
Raja Willem expressed the commitment to sustain the Invincible Holland assembly for The Netherlands. Quoting the last verse of Rk Ved, he said:
'Samani va akuti samana hridayani vah. Samanam astu vo mano yatha vah susahasati. United be your purpose, harmonious be your feelings, collected be your mind, in the same way as all the various aspects of the universe exist in togetherness, wholeness.'
Copyright 2006, Global Good News
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