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Yogic Flying claimed to neutralize terrorists
by CP

The Winnipeg Sun    Translate This Article
16 June 2006

On 16 June 2006 The Winnipeg Sun reported: The Global Country of World Peace plans to teach 600 Canadians Yogic Flying, an advanced technique of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme. The positivity created by Yogic Flyers neutralizes criminal tendencies, curbs terrorism, and creates an influence of invincibility, the global meditation group says. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of world peace.

The Global Country of World Peace is part of the Transcendental Meditation movement. The organization wants to establish 'invincibility schools' throughout Canada, where students can learn Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying.

'The invincibility force of flyers wouldn't require weapons, fancy uniforms, tanks, or armoured trucks,' The Winnipeg Sun reported.

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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