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Forty-ninth day of 'Invincible Holland' course brings more good news
by Paul Gelderloos, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Holland

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
3 June 2006

Since the full moon in April, 400 Governors and Sidhas of the Global Country of World Peace have been assembled at the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. They have come from all over Europe and are being trained personally by Maharishi to make their own countries invincible upon their return home after the assembly. Many positive changes for Holland are taking place during the assembly.

At present, the assembly is creating invincibility for Holland, since 400 Yogic Flyers flying together in one place is the 'Super Radiance' number required for the 16 million citizens of Holland.

This is the news from the 49th day of the 'Invincible Holland' assembly:

- In Holland, the local town government of Boekel has taken the lead in reducing the number of governmental restrictions on citizens. The code regarding the external appearance of buildings—Welstandcommissie—was eliminated. Building permits are given within ten minutes. Everyone is very pleased with this new system, whereby the citizens themselves collectively organize their environment in an orderly way.

- The Dutch company Oxycom has invented a climate control and air conditioning system that uses 50 per cent less energy than comparable installations. In some cases it uses up to 90 per cent less energy. The system was presented and introduced in China. It is a year-round climate control system that utilizes permanently fresh air that is blown in from outside. It does not use cooling fluids, which harm the ozone layer.

- The Deputy Minister for Health, Clemence Ross, has reserved 68.2 million Euros to create and/or redesign 4,400 living facilities for the elderly in South Limburg. These redesigned senior living facilities will allow the elderly to live in their own homes much longer. At the same time, it means that waiting lists for nursing homes for the truly needy are eliminated.

- A coalition of three parties in Holland is working to ensure that handicapped students have equal treatment in schools and educational institutes. Currently handicapped workers have equal treatment within the labor market and in occupational education, and the goal is to ensure these same rights within the school system.

Copyright © 2006 Global Country of World Peace

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