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Concluding session of Maharishi's Parliament of World Peace
by GGN Staff Writer

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24 March 2006

Since 23 January 2006, the Maharishi Parliament of World Peace has broadcast live from the International Capital of the Global Country of World Peace at MERU, Holland, and from the World Capital of Peace at the Brahmasthan of India, the geographical centre of India.

The focus of these historic sessions has been national invincibility with reference to the twelve disciplines of Maharishi's Vedic Science: Education; Health; Agriculture; Architecture; Science and Technology; Invincible Defence; Law and Order; Trade, Commerce, and Communications; Music and Arts; Culture and Religion; Administration; and Finance.

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi inaugurated each parliamentary session and illumined each topic in the light of Total Knowledge, Veda, the Will of God—sung throughout the ages in the textbooks of all religions. Maharishi outlined the mechanics for achieving a glorious new destiny for mankind and elevated every aspect of human life to perfection.

The final session was held this week on the topic of Finance. Maharishi felt that the knowledge brought out in this one topic contained the answer to all the twelve areas in a single stroke. A good level of economy is: 'Do less and accomplish more,' he said, but the ideal level of economy is: 'Do nothing and accomplish everything.' It is from this level that Total Natural Law fulfils every desire and need—before one is even aware of a need.

Maharishi explained that every person in the world can achieve this reality in his own life through the practice of Transcendental Meditation and its Advanced Techniques. And it is possible to achieve this on a global level through the establishment of groups of students in every country practising Yogic Flying as part of their daily routine in school. These groups of students will create coherence in national consciousness so that no nation will be a slave to any other nation. Everyone in the nation and the world will be totally fulfilled.

DVD's of this concluding session of Maharishi's Parliament of World Peace are being made available to send around the world so that everyone, now and for all time to come, is able to enjoy the simple and profound solutions of Maharishi's Vedic Science for all areas of life.

Copyright © 2006 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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