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The Constitution of the Universe contains within it the secret procedures to create a golden age of freedom from war
by GGN Staff Reporter
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27 January 2006
On 27 January 2006 Global Good News reported:
On the 26th of January 2006, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi convened the Second Session of the Parliament of World Peace, and completely revealed the perfect and supreme defence system for every nation of the world, Vedic Defence.
It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring
fulfilment to the field of world peace.
In his address, Maharishi said: 'Governments who think that they can save the country by having more military power, more means of killing, are suicidal for themselves, and they are criminal for their action. They will be wise to adopt Vedic Defence. Vedic Defence means defence on the grounds of Veda, the Constitution of the Universe.'
Maharishi continued by saying that throughout all the millenia of human existence, the Vedic families of India have been passing down the Sounds of the Veda, the Constitution of the Universe, in an oral tradition; so we have in our hands in the world today, all the sounds of the Constitution of the Universe.
The Constitution of the Universe, Maharishi said, is that field of the totality of all the Laws of Nature which unites the entire diversity of creation and maintains it through the eternity of time.
Maharishi continued by saying that the Constitution of the Universe contains within it the secret procedures to create a golden age of freedom from war. Within the chapters of the Constitution of the Universe are all the procedures that can take any negative influence that is predicted to come to any nation and prevent that from reaching the nation, so its citizens do not have to face that misfortune.
'We don't have to fight the darkness: we just bring the light,' Maharishi explained.
Maharishi also honoured the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for having declared that the Veda is the common heritage of the whole human race.
Veda has the great potentiality for the peace of the whole human race, and in his great compassion for the world, Maharishi is implementing his knowledge of Vedic Defence beginning with 144 countries.
Maharishi explained that we will take the horoscope of the nations of the world, based upon the birth time of the nations, and project how the Cosmic Bodies (Grahas, or planets) will reflect on individuals and nations as a whole, determined by their Karma (past actions)—the ancient cosmic law of 'as you sow, so shall you reap'.
Secondly, the Vedic Pandits of India will perform certain Vedic Yagyas, procedures with Vedic Recitations, from the Brahmasthan of India, which will avert the predicted calamities before they arise, fulfilling the ancient Vedic saying: Heyam duhkham anagatam—'avert the danger that has not yet come'.
Because the performance of the Vedic Pandits is on the Transcendental level of existence, even if a country is thousands of miles away, those sounds can prevent a dangerous confrontation between two nations.
Maharishi explained that the Vedic Pandits can create that effect from wherever they are: 'The secret of creating an effect from a distance is that the Vedic Mantra are from the Transcendental field. The Transcendental field has no resistance for the flow. A little thing here is a little thing everywhere. The Transcendental field is a frictionless flow. So the resolution that is made through the Vedic Performances is from the Vedic Mantra. Immediately the effect goes. You want the effect to go there, to have this kind of effect on that man, in that country. It is the tradition of the Vedic Pandits that they can create the effect—they can create the effect from wherever they are. We have very good knowledge. That is why always we say, Glory to Guru Dev, Glory to Guru Dev.
Maharishi concluded by saying: 'You don't have to face misfortunes. That is the proud privilege we have from Guru Dev. We design the destiny of every country; we prevent any forthcoming disaster for any country. Doesn't matter what the past has been. We design a new sunshine. These are the days of the dawn of a new civilization on earth.'
Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total
Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.
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