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New book describes peace program in New York Times list of most noteworthy Translate This Article
16 December 2005
The December 11, 2005, New York Times Sunday Magazine 'Year In Ideas' issue digests the 78 most noteworthy ideas of 2005, including a novel program of 'peace studies' for university students based on the Transcendental Meditation (TM) and advanced Yogic Flying programs.
The magazine summarizes the work of filmmaker David Lynch in raising contributions for an ambitious project to fund a 'mass meditation' program that 'could have a palliative effect upon the unified field of consciousness that connects all human beings and thereby bring about the conditions for world peace.'
This alternative approach to promoting peace, briefly summarized in the Times article, is described in a new book from Maharishi University of Management Press, Victory Before War: Preventing Terrorism through the Vedic Peace Technologies of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (released in July).
The Vedic peace technologies (meditation and related programs) described in Victory Before War, constitute the world's most ancient homeland defense. This ancient knowledge of the Himalayas has been revived in this age by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Maharishi University of Management in Iowa.
The Vedic approach recognizes the basic problem in preventing terrorist acts and attacks by rogue nations—that we cannot defend everywhere, all the time, against fanatics who can pick and choose their targets. To mitigate this fundamental shortcoming, the Vedic approach aims to create a peaceful influence in the society as a whole, inhibiting violent acts throughout the region where the meditator groups are located. The theory holds that the larger the meditating groups, the more powerful and widespread the influence.
Dr. Robert Keith Wallace, a physiologist and co-author of Victory Before War, explains that just as a central broadcasting station radiates an influence through the electromagnetic field to everyone in the area, the large meditating groups radiate a peaceful influence through the unified field of consciousness to everyone in their vicinity. Wallace says, 'The ancient Vedic tradition holds that the unified field of consciousness is a field of perfect peacefulness and silence, experienced at the deepest point of meditation. When the TM and Yogic Flying experts experience that field together at the same time, it stirs the field and radiates a peaceful influence spreading to everyone in the region.'
Victory Before War describes 50 studies (15 of which have been published in top scientific journals after a peer review process) showing that the Vedic peace technologies can work. The studies consistently show significant reductions in violence in the vicinity of the meditator groups. More information is available at
About the Authors: In the 1970s Robert Keith Wallace, Ph.D., a prominent physiologist, conducted groundbreaking research at UCLA and Harvard, published in Science and Scientific American, showing the remarkable biological changes occurring during the practice of the TM technique. Dr. Wallace's initial research has now led to the widespread acceptance of meditation in the Western world. Co-author Jay Marcus is an attorney and the author of TM and Business (McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1977) and The Crime Vaccine (Claitor's Books, Baton Rouge, 1997). The latter was designated by Bookviews as one of the five best non-fiction books of 1997.
Jay B. Marcus ( President Center for Science & Crime 504 N. 4th Suite 105 Fairfield, IA 52556 Phone : 641-472-5945 Fax : 641-472-5404
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