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Day 4: Celebrating the Dawn of a New Fortune for All Mankind
The Global Country of World Peace Translate This Article
30 November 2005
Wednesday, 30 November, 7:00 to 9:30 pm, US Central Time, the Global Country of World Peace celebrates the Inauguration of Practical Programmes for Developing Higher States of Consciousness.
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has identified seven distinct states of human consciousness, and offered to the world the practical programmes to develop higher states of consciousness. The seven states of consciousness are:
1. Waking 2. Dreaming 3. Sleeping 4. Transcendental Consciousness 5. Cosmic Consciousness 6. God Consciousness 7. Unity Consciousness
In addition to the three relative, changing states of consciousness—waking, sleeping, and dreaming—with which everyone is familiar, Maharishi has revealed that there are four higher states of consciousness, which can be systematically developed by anyone:
Transcendental Consciousness
Transcendental Consciousness, the fourth state of consciousness, is the state of pure consciousness, self-referral consciousness, experienced during the Transcendental Meditation Technique when the mind transcends even the finest aspect of thought and becomes completely silent and at rest, yet fully awake inside.
Cosmic Consciousness
In Cosmic Consciousness, the fifth state of consciousness, the deep silence of Transcendental Consciousness is never lost whether one is waking, sleeping, or dreaming.
God Consciousness
In God Consciousness, the sixth state of consciousness, overflowing, unlimited, unbounded, cosmic universal love becomes concentrated in devotion to God, and the entire life is nothing but fulness of love, bliss, and contentment—eternal and absolute.
Unity Consciousness
The pinnacle of human development is the seventh state of consciousness, Unity Consciousness. In Unity Consciousness every particle of creation, even the farthest, most distant point of the universe, is experienced as a wave in the unbounded ocean of Transcendental Consciousness, which is my own Self. And the supreme knowledge dawns—I am that wholeness, that totality that encompasses in its range the infinite activity of the universe and infinite silence of its source in consciousness. Here is the experience of Aham Brahmasmi—I am the totality, I am Brahm.
An individual in Unity Consciousness gains total mastery of Natural Law and lives a life of all possibilities. This is perfection of life. When many such enlightened individuals exist on earth, the world enjoys supreme fortune, and a heavenly age dawns.
More than 600 scientific studies, conducted at over 250 universities and research institutes in 32 countries, confirm the benefits of the development of consciousness through Transcendental Meditation for all areas of life—mind, body, behaviour, and society.
These studies have been reprinted from scientific journals into seven volumes entitled 'Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers'.
Research findings indicating the development of mental capacity include increased intelligence, increased creativity, improved memory, increased clarity of perception, and improved academic performance of students.
Physiological research confirms better health and improved health-related behaviour, with findings of decreased hospitalization, decreased health care expenditures, reduction of high blood pressure, reduction of smoking and alcohol consumption, and increased longevity.
Behavioural benefits include improved quality of relationships at work and at home, improved job performance, increased leadership at work, and improved behaviour of school students.
At the level of society as a whole, research studies have repeatedly confirmed that group practice of the advanced TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, generates an influence of coherence and harmony in the collective consciousness of the whole society, as measured by decreased crime and violence in society, improved national economic trends, and improved quality of life at the city, state, and national levels.
Statement issued by the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Bevan Morris, describing the details of the programme of the celebration
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