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by Global Country Press Release
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12 October 2005
Celebrations to herald the dawn of a new time of bliss and invincibility for all mankind
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—the legendary Vedic Sage from the Himalayas and founder of the Global Country of World Peace—will preside over a grand, global celebration of the great Vedic festival of 'Victory Day' (Vijaya Dashami) this Wednesday, 12 October.
Peace Government leaders in 108 countries will in one day raise the flag of the Global Country of World Peace in as many as 7,000 locations around the world, which are the homes of different languages, dialects and cultural traditions. The day will begin with a flag raising on an island in the South Pacific, and end with the raising of the flag of world peace in Hawaii in the far west. The celebration will also include raising the flag of world peace in seven islands (in different oceans and seas) that are solely dedicated to world peace.
Maharishi's global Victory Day celebration will herald a new time of bliss and invincibility—a golden age of perpetual peace and unity for the whole family of nations—dawning for all mankind.
Festivities of Victory Day around the globe
Peace Government leaders will be joined in the flag raising ceremonies by Mayors and top builders who will also raise the flag of the nation, state, or city, as well as the flags of all the indigenous peoples and language/dialect groups of the world, alongside the flag of the Global Country of World Peace.
The flag raising will be accompanied by bagpipers, drums, and other musical performances; by recitations in the local languages by the indigenous people; and by the sounds of the Veda—the sounds of Natural Law itself, which embody the organizing power that administers the galactic universe.
Victory Day is celebrated in the annual Vedic calendar of India as the day of invincibility for every nation—a day of victory of peace over conflict, of the unbounded over boundaries and limitations, of all possibilities for human life over suffering and problems. Victory Day is to awaken the nourishing, evolutionary power of Total Natural Law—the Constitution of the Universe, the Will of God—which administers the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order, to support everyone and every nation, and bring fulfilment to the aspirations of the wise throughout time for true globalization of the human race in permanent peace and unity of all nations.
7,000 Unique units or expressions of Total Natural Law found in 7,000 languages and dialects in the world
Maharishi explained that we are coming to a time when the life of every nation will be administered by the Total Natural Law that administers the universe.
'All galaxies are administered by one Total Natural Law,' Maharishi said. 'This is the universal level of the intelligence known in quantum physics as the Unified Field, which is so flexible that it can administer everything simultaneously from the infinite value of life to the smallest finite values of life. It can satisfy all the innumerable requirements from the level of the galaxies to the smallest areas of land and human life on earth. This is an ideal administration.' Maharishi explained that in each area on earth—rivers, forests, mountains, valleys, deserts, coastlines, etc.—there is a specific quality of Natural Law, and each area is governed by that specification of Natural Law, which has expressed in human life in the 7,000 different ancient traditional languages and cultures that have been catalogued over the past decades.
For example, in Brazil there are 188 living languages that are spoken, in Gabon 41, and in Germany there are 25 distinctive dialects. Each onit of Natural Law on earth is quite different from all others, but all these units combine to make one huge enormous range beyond anything—the unity of Cosmic flow that governs the world.
A group of Yogic Flyers (experts in creating harmony in collective consciousness) will be established in all 7,000 areas. This will be a short cut to enliven Total Natural Law in world consciousness
'In the world now,' Maharishi said, 'it has been found that there are 7,000 such units of Natural Law. These are our centre points where we will create groups of enlightened people to enliven Total Natural Law to support the specific value of Natural Law for that area with its nourishing and evolutionary influence. Many languages have been lost —but those that remain will be the units of the enlivenment of the Constitution of the Universe in the life of the nation and the world.'
The 7,000 different languages and dialects—or units—of Total Natural Law will each now have a small group of enlightened people practising the ancient techniques of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying in a school or a Peace Palace built in the area to enliven Total Natural Law, and create coherence in collective consciousness.
'This will be a short cut to creating coherent world consciousness, which is the basis of invincibility for every nation and permanent peace in the family of nations,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi emphasized that the flag raising ceremonies are not a mere symbolic gesture to remind the people of the underlying invincible nature of life. 'This is not for show,' Maharishi said. 'Each flag is the concrete expression of the awakening of Total Natural Law in the area.'
This Victory Day is special because the knowledge is now available for every government to fulfil its parental role
Maharishi explained that although Victory Day has been celebrated since time immemorial, this Victory Day is special because the knowledge and technology of Total Natural Law are now available for every government to fulfil its parental role for the nation, and administer the life of the people with the same perfection as the Total Natural Law administers the universe.
The Peace Government in each country is organizing for Total Knowledge to be applied in national life, inspired by Maharishi, and under the guidance of the ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam. Maharaja Nader Raam is that great scientist who has demonstrated that every human physiology—from whatever culture and speaking whatever language—is the expression of Veda, Total Natural Law, which is the vibration of the unified field of consciousness itself—so that everyone is in fact a Cosmic individual with Cosmic Potential that can be easily realized through Consciousness-Based Education in 7,000 schools throughout the world.
Maharishi inaugurated Heaven on Earth—Sat Yuga—on Guru Purnima on 21 July 2005
Maharishi inaugurated the dawn of Heaven on Earth—Sat Yuga—on 21 July 2005, the day of Guru Purnima, when the greatness of the tradition of Vedic Masters is celebrated. Maharishi said that Victory Day on 12 October will be an echo of this great 21 July inauguration, and will continue in the set pattern created then to purify world consciousness and create permanent world peace.
'We celebrated the dawn of a new time of enlightenment for every individual and invincibility for every nation—and now we are producing the global effect of perfection in life for everyone,' Maharishi said.
The world will soon be a beautiful mosaic of differences
Maharishi concluded by proclaiming that these Victory Day celebrations will mark a new time for the whole human race. 'Our words are clear and simple,' Maharishi said. 'Very soon every country will enjoy rising waves of positivity and freedom from fear and all other negative values. Very soon the world will be a beautiful mosaic of differences. And for this we say, 'All glory to Guru Dev—all glory the tradition of Vedic masters for this gift of Total Knowledge for perfection in life.'
Maharishi will hold his next news conferences on 12 and 13 October, which will be broadcast live via satellite and Internet web cast on all continents from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland.
Additional Locations for Raising the Flag of the Global Country of World Peace
In addition to raising the flag of the Global Country of World Peace in the geographical areas of the 7,000 language dialects that exist in the world, flag raising ceremonies will also be held at
• The sites in every city in every country where a Maharishi Peace Palace and a Marble Peace Colony will soon be established
• The sites where Maharishi schools, colleges, and universities are—or will soon be—established
• Historic sites in the 50-year history of Maharishi's worldwide movement
• The geographical centre—or Brahmasthan—of the country
• The highest point of the country, and near famous waterfalls and other sites of extraordinary natural beauty
• The southernmost and northernmost inhabited places in the world
Copyright © 2005 Global Country of World Peace
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