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Ireland: The lotus position on world peace

The Independent    Translate This Article
21 May 2005

On 21 May 2005 The Independent reported: The Global Country of World Peace, a group founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who brought Transcendental Meditation to the West, announced that it has purchased Inishraher Island in Ireland. The reason for the purchase of the 30-acre island is to build an International Peace Centre, which will make accessible the Transcendental Meditation technique and a variety of Maharishi's teachings, including Ayurvedic healthcare (a preventive approach to mental and physical well-being). It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of world peace.

The proposed centre—to be known as the Maharishi Peace Palace—will provide a hub for the practice and promotion of scientifically verified world peace promoting activities which alleviate tensions in the environment.

The purchase of the island was announced at a press conference held in the RDS last week. Dr John Hagelin, a Stanford-educated physicist and former US presidential candidate, connected to the event via videoconference. After congratulating Ireland on the establishment of the Peace Government of Ireland (The Irish Branch of the Global Country of World Peace), he said that Maharishi's teachings were particularly relevant today because of the ever-present threat of terrorism. He said that 'knowledge of the administration of natural law can, quite literally, raise a nation to a level of absolute national security'.

The Global Country of World Peace, as Dr Peter Warburton, the Raja of England put it, is an 'omnipresent country without borders' which aims to promote 'the peace and prosperity of every individual and every nation' through Transcendental Meditation and the observance of natural law'.

In addition to the proposed centre in Mayo the group has offices in Dublin and, in time, intends to found centres throughout Ireland. These will be funded by the educational courses to be taught in the centre as well as donations from private benefactors.

Doctor Joe Hayden, President of the Peace Government of Ireland, quoted former Minister for External Affairs, Sean McBride, saying that 'peace has to be the desperate imperative of mankind'.

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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