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Peace club launches initiatives, plans next conference
by Jim Karpen

The Review, Vol. 20, #5    Translate This Article
Fairfield, Iowa, United States
15 November 2004

On the heels of the successful Creating Peace conference, the student peace club has launched new plans for the coming academic year, including the next major event scheduled for April 29-May 1 of 2005.

A key factor again this year will be networking with other groups; and already organizers Matt Rector and Senya Hawkins and other club members have traveled to Grinnell College and the University of Iowa. They plan to continue meeting with student peace groups and peace studies departments in the state.

Also planned are a series of two or three small conferences between Maharishi University of Management and other student peace groups in the region in order to create a coalition of university peace groups.

After Thanksgiving, Mr. Rector and members of the peace club are planning some field trips, including a meeting with the Ploughshares collaborative in Indianapolis. This is a coalition of university peace studies departments and peace groups that is experienced in organizing events and doing community work. . . . Mr. Rector says that every student at Maharishi University of Management is a member of Students for Peace. 'All the members of the group are really excited because there's a lot of good feeling for peace on campus and in the world,' Mr. Rector says. 'I encourage anyone who's interested to get on board and help out.'

The club invites students to attend the weekly meetings on Fridays in the Dreier Building, room 103. The club also has steering committee meetings on Mondays in the Dreier boardroom to meet with administrators, the University's publicity team, representatives from the U.S. Peace Government, 8,000 Now, and other local groups, in order to keep them informed and to invite them to help.

The peace conference being planned for next spring is expected to be an expanded setting of the Creating Peace conference just held in September. Mr. Rector said that there will be more opportunities for groups to interact with each other, as well as workshops and fun activities that will let participants get to know each other. There will also be an expanded booth fair.

Mr. Rector says that the activities of the peace club are timely. 'The members of the club feel that right now there are so many people in the world working for positive change,' he said. 'It's an ideal time for us to work with them and let them know about Maharishi's approach to peace. The world is receptive to these ideas right now.'

Copyright 2004, Maharishi University of Management

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