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Maharishi inaugurates World Peace Parliament
US Peace Government Media Group Translate This Article
8 July 2004
Top leaders are convening in 108 countries to promote ideal life through total Natural Law.
Maharishi said, 'Here is a shortcut to fulfill the spirit of globalization and raise the world's population to enlightenment.'
Maharishi World Peace Parliament sessions can be viewed live via video-conference and Internet webcast from July 3 to 9. Please see for details.
This week, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is inaugurating seven historic global sessions of the Parliament of World Peace, which began on July 3 and is continuing every day through July 9. Maharishi declared during the opening session that the widespread propagation of the total knowledge of Natural Law will fulfill the spirit of globalization rising in the world and that every individual born on earth will enjoy the supreme level of human development, Unity Consciousness.
Maharishi is delivering his inaugural addresses to leaders of society--businessmen, lawyers, doctors, educators, etc.--who have convened in countries on all continents for the Parliamentary sessions. Maharishi is speaking live via global videoconference and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. His Majesty Raja Nader Raam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, inspired the Maharishi Parliament of World Peace.
The inauguration of the Maharishi World Peace Parliament followed the global Guru Purnima celebrations held on July 2 in honour of Maharishi's teacher, Guru Dev, and the Vedic tradition of masters who are the eternal custodians of the total knowledge of Natural Law.
Maharishi will discuss the World Peace Parliament and answer questions about his program to create permanent world peace during his next news conferences on July 7 and 8.
Bridging the gap between individual life and cosmic life
Maharishi described current political efforts to unify nations as 'admirable' but nonetheless doomed to failure because they are based on human concepts. 'Human concepts, no matter how grand they may appear, have limitations--they are not developed enough to be evolutionary for everyone,' Maharishi said. 'The Parliament of World Peace will bridge the gap between the limitations of human life and the unlimited dignity of cosmic life. It will bridge the gap between man-made constitutions, with their human weaknesses and failings, and the Constitution of the Universe, which administers the infinite diversity of the ever-expanding galactic universe with perfect order.'
Maharishi said the World Peace Parliaments will provide a shortcut to globalization by enlivening in world consciousness the fundamental law of unity at the basis of all diversity. 'Our authenticity lies in the eternal reality of the Unified Field--Transcendental Consciousness--that is beyond all limitations. It is the unified basis of all diverse values in creation.'
Technology is available for the propagation of total Natural Law
Maharishi said that the technology is now available for the rapid propagation of the total knowledge of Natural Law to fulfil the spirit of globalization. 'From modern science, we have instruments for instant communication to all parts of the world,' Maharishi said. 'But far beyond this, from Vedic Science, we know that the supreme instrument of the human physiology can be refined through proper training so that anyone can directly fathom the transcendental field of consciousness--the field of unity--within his own Self. And from that unified level, which is beyond space-time boundaries, anyone can influence the whole diversified universe without restriction. This is the supreme level of human consciousness--Unity Consciousness--which will create a unified family of nations while upholding the cultural differences of every country.'
Maharishi said that Peace Palaces are now being established in every country to propagate Total Knowledge to the whole population and establish the reign of Unity Consciousness in the world. 'Just a few lightposts are enough to light an entire field. In the same way, we are establishing 3,000 Peace Palaces'--a small number compared to the world's six billion people--which will be enough 'lighted lamps in world consciousness to keep the life of the people high above the reach of mistakes, problems, and suffering in this generation--and for all generations to come,' Maharishi said.
Plans of the Maharishi World Peace Parliaments
His Excellency Dr. Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace, presented the plans of the Maharishi World Peace Parliaments, which include:
In every country, groups of 108 (or 54) Members of the Maharishi Peace Parliament will convene for one week (from Saturday to Friday) twice a year. Each session will connect with the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland, via videoconference or the most advanced system of Internet webcasting. Every week, there will be an opportunity for leaders of society to join a new group as a 'Member of the Parliament' or as an 'Honourable Guest of the Parliament.'
Members of the Parliament will be examples of health, peace, and prosperity in their society. They will discuss and design programs to apply total Natural Law to create ideal education, health, agriculture, economy, law, administration, defence, architecture and city planning, engineering, music, and politics--culminating in the establishment of permanent world peace. Members of the Parliament will also plan the construction of 3,000 Peace Palaces in the world's largest 3,000 cities.
'Maharishi World Peace Parliaments are a precious gift from Maharishi to the whole world,' Dr. Feldman said. 'With the total knowledge of Natural Law now available to make all areas of life ideal, society will blossom in perfection in the light of total Natural Law--the will of God.'
For more information on the Maharishi World Peace Parliament, including broadcast dates and times, as well as how to register as a Member of the Parliament or an Honourable Guest of the Parliament, please visit
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