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Maharishi offers governments a new doctrine of ideal administration through total Natural Law
US Peace Government Media Group Translate This Article
30 June 2004
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi offered to heads of state a new doctrine of ideal administration that will fulfil the parental role of every government, and ensure the safety and security of its people without force or punishment. At the basis of Maharishi's doctrine is his Vedic approach to education, which enlivens the unlimited creative potential within every student so that individual and national life are always supported by the evolutionary power of Natural Law. Then, Maharishi said, no one will make mistakes or create problems for himself or for others.
Maharishi's announcement came during his global news conference on June 23, which was broadcast live via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi will hold his next news conferences on June 30 and July 1.
Vedic education will allow every student to experience the Unified Field within his own Self
Maharishi said the discovery by modern science of the Unified Field—the field of total Natural Law, which administers the universe with perfect order—can now be brought to the awareness of every student through Vedic education. 'Whatever has been discovered has to be put to use—otherwise, what is the use of the discovery?' Maharishi said. 'Vedic education will give every student direct experience of the Unified Field through Vedic technologies of consciousness, including Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying.'
Maharishi emphasised that knowledge of the Unified Field can never be gained by reading books. 'Complete knowledge of the Unified Field is not available in books,' Maharishi said. 'However, it is easily available to everyone within the transcendental field of his own Self.'
Vedic universities, colleges, and schools are being established in every major city
Maharishi said his Global Country of World Peace is now establishing Vedic universities, colleges, and schools in every major city to offer to the whole population the science and technology of the Unified Field. 'Education should prepare students for a successful, affluent, fulfiling life. With Vedic education, our children won't be slaves to situations and circumstances. With their awareness open to the Unified Field, they will rule Natural Law—they will rule the world,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi added that compared to the unlimited possibilities open to students through Vedic education, modern education is fraudulent. 'Teachers have the conviction they are giving complete knowledge to their students,' Maharishi said. 'But they are only giving isolated knowledge—they lack the knowledge of how every student can command the totality of life.'
Governments will fulfil their parental role in the nation
Maharishi said that Vedic education will fulfil the purpose of governments to prevent problems and conflict in the nation without force or punishment. 'Governments will fulfil their parental role by inculcating in the people the ability for spontaneous right action in accord with Natural Law,' Maharishi said. 'Then no one will make mistakes or create problems for himself or others.'
Maharishi added that when his Vedic approach to education is offered in even a few countries, the positive effect will be felt immediately throughout the world. 'The destructive tendencies will be eliminated in the same way as darkness is eliminated with the onset of light,' Maharishi said.
A few groups of 8,000 Yogic Flyers will create purified world consciousness
In addition to establishing Vedic educational institutions, Maharishi said his Global Country of World Peace is establishing peace-creating groups of Yogic Flyers in every country to enliven the Unified Field and purify collective consciousness. 'Even a few groups of 8,000 Yogic Flyers around the globe is enough to purify world consciousness and create a fully developed society that radiates all possibilities—peace, affluence, invincibility—for all mankind,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi then explained how Yogic Flying creates peace. 'The body lifts up in the air through a gentle impulse of thought from the source of thought—the Unified Field,' Maharishi said. 'This means that gravity comes under human control. And when gravity comes under human control, then the totality of Natural Law, which administers the universe with perfect order, comes under human control. This command over Natural Law during Yogic Flying creates an influence of coherence and harmony in collective consciousness.'
'Soon we will have a peaceful world'
Maharishi concluded by offering his most profound gratitude to the Vedic tradition of masters who have blessed the world with total knowledge. 'Soon we will have a peaceful world—as peaceful as the administration of the ever-expanding galactic universe,' Maharishi said. 'All glory to the Vedic tradition of masters who have blessed us with the complete science and technology of total knowledge to create a perfect civilization where fulfilment will prevail for all times to come.'
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