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Estonia: Tallinn Airport opens seventh solar park
24 September 2022 - Tallinn Airport in Estonia has opened its seventh solar park, meaning the airport will have solar parks with a total capacity of 4.14MW in operation by the end of 2022. By 2030, the airport is expected to be generating more electricity than it consumes. (more)

Estonia: Tallinn to lead project of European cities in sustainable development
19 April 2021 - The council of Tallinn has approved the city's participation as the leading partner in an international project that will advance the possibilities of European cities to implement sustainable development goals through sharing various experiences and good practices on the local level. Andres Kollist, the head of the innovation committee of the city council, said that a framework of sustainable development and its sub-goals have been agreed upon on the level of the UN, of which, in the context of Tallinn, sustainable energy, measures to counter climate change and the fields of health and wellbeing can be highlighted. (more)

Bring back the bogs: Estonian volunteers get hands dirty in climate fight
1 September 2020 - Deep in the Estonian woodlands, a group of volunteers is toiling to restore a bog that was drained last century for mining purposes, turning the area into a major source of greenhouse gas emissions no longer trapped in damp, heavy earth. In the European Union, restoring peatlands is one element of its planned trillion-euro fund to cut its net emissions to zero by 2050. (more)

Estonia's Soviet-era housing finds new eco-friendly future
22 July 2019 - Thousands of apartment blocks across Estonia were built in the 1950s as temporary housing. Now an EU project in Tartu is transforming some into sustainable housing as part of a sustainable cities initiative. The apartments in Tartu will receive new insulation, windows and ventilation systems, as well as new central heating systems and solar panels. (more)

Estonian coalition to ban GMOs
7 April 2019 - The coalition being formed by three parties in Estonia intends to prohibit the cultivation of crops containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Estonia. The coalition is planning to support the establishment and development of associations belonging to farmers that produce, process and sell products. (more)

Estonia: This office brought a mini forest indoors
11 December 2015 - Indoor plants aren't just about gussying up a sterile cubicle. Numerous studies have shown that greenery is a potent way to boost workers' mood and productivity. In Talinn, Estonia, the architects at KAMP took this notion to heart in their transformation of a factory into the offices of Lenne, a children's clothing brand. (more)

Tartu Observatory in Estonia finds galaxies in filaments spaced like pearls on a necklace
23 November 2014 - On large scales, the universe is comprised of empty voids, punctuated by narrow, winding filaments of dark matter that guide the growth of galaxies and galaxy clusters. This cosmic web, which has taken decades to map, holds a repeating pattern on the order of hundreds of millions of light years. But when you zoom in, things were supposed to get messier. Now, Elmo Tempel and his student Maarja Bussov at Tartu Observatory in Estonia and their colleagues have found a small-scale pattern in cosmic structure. (more)

Small Estonia has big ideas
3 March 2014 - Estonia may be tiny but in tech terms it's a giant. It has a population of just 1.3 million, yet produces more start-ups per head than any other country in Europe. Right on the edge of Europe, halfway between Stockholm and St Petersburg, the tech-savvy country that launched Skype a decade ago continues to be a hotbed of entrepreneurs and innovation. Examples of tech companies to come out of Estonia include Fitsme, a virtual fitting room for online clothing retailers, now in 16 countries, and Creative Mobile -- a company creating free-to-play games for mobile platforms. (more)

Russia finally signs border treaty with Estonia
18 February 2014 - Eussia signed a border treaty on Tuesday with Estonia, the last Baltic country to formalize its land and sea boundaries with its giant neighbour. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met his Estonian counterpart Urmas Paet in Moscow to sign the deal. Lavrov emphasized issues between the countries but hailed the agreement as an 'important step, rather than a pure formality'. Paet noted that Lavrov would visit Estonia later this year, the first-ever by a Russian foreign minister. (more)

In November industrial production increased in most branches in Estonia
6 January 2014 - According to Statistics Estonia, in November 2013 the production of industrial enterprises increased by 2 per cent compared to November of the previous year. The production exceeded the volume of the previous year in most of the branches of industry. (more)

Success of Maharishi's Programmes
Short Summaries of Top Stories

Estonia: One per cent of population practises Transcendental Meditation - National coherence creates economic stability
7 February 2010 - In the 1990s, more than one per cent of the population of Estonia learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Evidence of positive trends in the country, created by the increased coherence in national consciousness, includes a recent report in the Financial Times that Estonia has weathered the global economic crisis very calmly and creatively, drawing renewed investment. (more)

Estonia: Maharishi Effect reflected in positive news
9 July 2008 - Speaking on a recent Global Family Chat, Dr Jaan Suurkula, the National Director of Invincible Estonia for the Global Country of World Peace, gave a report of positive national news from all areas of society resulting from rising coherence in collective consciousness. (more)

Estonia: Rising coherence promotes invincible economy
1 June 2008 - Dr Jaan Suurkula, National Director of Estonia for the Global Country of World Peace, reports that a well-known source for credit ratings of businesses and countries has in its latest evaluation shown confidence in Estonia, in spite of decreases in the Estonian economy during the spring. Dr Suurkula attributes the continuing stability of the economy to the large number of Yogic Flyers and practitioners of Transcendental Meditation creating invincibility for the nation. (more)

Dr David Lynch wins enthusiastic support for Maharishi's programmes in Estonia
12 November 2007 - Highlights of Dr David Lynch's recent visit to Estonia included extensive media coverage, inauguration of Estonia Invincibility University, a public meeting with over 1200 in attendance, and contacts with leading figures in all areas of Estonian society, including government, education, and culture. (more)

The David Lynch tour arrives in Estonia
10 November 2007 - Internationally acclaimed filmmaker David Lynch arrived in Estonia during the third week of a comprehensive European tour to promote the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace. While there, Dr Lynch also had a fortuitous meeting with President Mesic of Croatia about creating invincibility for that nation. (more)

Estonian leader reports successes, rising invincibility
17 July 2007 - Dr Jaan Suurkula, Founder of Invincibility and National Leader of Estonia for the Global Country of World Peace, reports that his country's capital has been ranked among the seven most intelligent communities in the world, due to its high level of information technology (IT) solutions in public service. He also announced plans to support their new Invincibility School, and other successes that are quickly raising the country towards invincibility. (more)


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