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Latin American countries to utilize Transcendental Meditation in large-scale rehabilitation initiatives
28 February 2010 - (more)

National security and food security mean healthy invincibility
28 February 2010 - (more)

South Africa's Maharishi Invincibility Institute to collaborate with Maharishi University of Management, USA
28 February 2010 - (more)

New Zealand: 330 per cent increase in people learning Transcendental Meditation
27 February 2010 - (more)

Popular women's magazine in Holland recommends Transcendental Meditation
27 February 2010 - (more)

United Kingdom: Professional team appointed for construction of Europe's first Maharishi Peace Palace
27 February 2010 - (more)

New Zealand: Maharishi Spiritual Capital expands with new Vastu construction
26 February 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation for a healthy heart: National Heart Health Month - US
26 February 2010 - (more)

United Kingdom: New inventions, policies reflect rising collective consciousness
26 February 2010 - (more)

Pakistan: Offering Transcendental Meditation, Consciousness-Based Education, ideal communities
25 February 2010 - (more)

Ukraine enjoys expansion of Maharishi's programmes for all areas of society
25 February 2010 - (more)

United Kingdom: Transcendental Meditation and National Heart Day, 26 February
25 February 2010 - (more)

Crime rate drops 8 per cent in United Kingdom, reflects rising coherence in nation
24 February 2010 - (more)

Music legend Donovan to headline benefit concert for David Lynch Foundation, 19 March, Los Angeles, USA
24 February 2010 - (more)

New Zealand: Most Maharishi Vedic Architecture Vastu buildings per capita in the world
24 February 2010 - (more)

Students on becoming Teachers of Transcendental Meditation
24 February 2010 - (more)

New Maharishi Invincibility Centres lead Ukraine closer to national invincibility
23 February 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation offered in special courses for ladies in New Zealand
23 February 2010 - (more)

VedAroma essential oils: Importance of purity and highest quality
23 February 2010 - (more)

Global Mother Divine Organization celebrates bright year of achievements in Europe
22 February 2010 - (more)

New Zealand: Consciousness-Based Education flourishing
22 February 2010 - (more)

Rapid rise of invincibility in US follows first Administrator Training Conference
22 February 2010 - (more)

Students' photos to be exhibited around world: Maharishi School
22 February 2010 - (more)

Land located for Yogic Flying groups in France and Algeria
21 February 2010 - (more)

New Zealand: Transcendental Meditation transforming schools, communities
21 February 2010 - (more)

Pakistan: New Transcendental Meditation Teacher inspires progress toward a peaceful, invincible nation
21 February 2010 - (more)

Switzerland, Dominica flourishing through Maharishi's programmes
21 February 2010 - (more)

Administrator Training Conferences feature Total Knowledge of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
20 February 2010 - (more)

New Zealand: Invincibility rising through education, architecture, courses for ladies
20 February 2010 - (more)

Next VedAroma Essential Oils Training Course to be offered in Provence, France, and via Internet
20 February 2010 - (more)

The education at a Maharishi School: Giving students Total Knowledge, promoting total brain functioning
20 February 2010 - (more)

Media coverage of Invincible Defence inspires communities in Armenia
19 February 2010 - (more)

New Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems Training Course starts 26 February
19 February 2010 - (more)

Prisons superintendent offers Transcendental Meditation for inmates, Dominica News Online reports
19 February 2010 - (more)

Rajas trained to administer society, using the mechanics of total Natural Law that administer the universe
19 February 2010 - (more)

Supporting the David Lynch Foundation, practising Transcendental Meditation: Interview with supermodel Ali Stephens
19 February 2010 - (more)

Global Country of World Peace celebrates fifth anniversary of first Rajas' coronation
18 February 2010 - (more)

Israel: High school that implemented Consciousness-Based Education receives national award
18 February 2010 - (more)

News media, expositions stir interest in Transcendental Meditation in Armenia
18 February 2010 - (more)

University in Hungary holds first Transcendental Meditation course: 300 students learn
18 February 2010 - (more)

Armenia celebrates 20th anniversary of one per cent learning Transcendental Meditation: Momentum continues rising for national invincibility
17 February 2010 - (more)

Physicians in Japan train to become leaders in Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care
17 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi's Invincible Defence Technology: 'May peace in the world be powerful, may the power in the world be peaceful'
16 February 2010 - (more)

Student from Ethiopia realizing 'big dreams' through M.U.M. Computer Science Professionals Programme
16 February 2010 - (more)

Transforming the outer world through awakening the inner value of total Natural Law
16 February 2010 - (more)

Kenya: Schools adopting Consciousness-Based Education
15 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi's Invincible Defence Technology presented in Switzerland, Cyprus, and Germany
15 February 2010 - (more)

Physicians' courses in Maharishi Ayur-Veda natural health care to be offered in Bulgaria
15 February 2010 - (more)

Global Country of World Peace celebrates day of the silent administering intelligence of Natural Law to bring perpetual world peace
14 February 2010 - (more)

Kindling the light of Total Knowledge in African countries: Global Mother Divine Organization
14 February 2010 - (more)

Reduced stress in breast cancer patients: New study on Transcendental Meditation published
14 February 2010 - (more)

The benefits of Consciousness-Based Education for students: Full brain development, awakening the knower
14 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture: The science and art of transformation
13 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi's Invincible Defence Technology: 108 articles published in 52 countries around the world
13 February 2010 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation improves students' mental health problems
13 February 2010 - (more)

Great Britain: Two main groups of Yogic Flyers to create invincibility for the nation
12 February 2010 - (more)

Highlights of new knowledge-packed course in Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
12 February 2010 - (more)

Prevention Wings of military established in two Latin American countries
12 February 2010 - (more)

Winnebago tribal elders give presentation at Maharishi University of Management
12 February 2010 - (more)

Large Yogic Flying groups in India, Latin America, United States: 'Three pillars of invincibility' for the world
11 February 2010 - (more)

Praise for new Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture course: 'Knowledge everyone in the world should have'
11 February 2010 - (more)

Student leaders eager to share Consciousness-Based Education with the world
11 February 2010 - (more)

Training courses in Bulgaria graduate new Transcendental Meditation Teachers for many countries
11 February 2010 - (more)

Great Britain: Two Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture courses to be held in March
10 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Towers of Invincibility to be established in four capitals of the United Kingdom
10 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi's Invincible Defence Technology promotes coherence and peace in collective consciousness
10 February 2010 - (more)

South Africa: Johannesburg Invincibility Centre offers popular courses in Transcendental Meditation, advanced programmes
10 February 2010 - (more)

Growing signs of positivity, invincibility, and peace in Israel, North Korea, Nepal
9 February 2010 - (more)

Mayor collaborates with Maharishi University of Management to make a sustainable community
9 February 2010 - (more)

US corporate executive: Transcendental Meditation makes him a better manager
9 February 2010 - (more)

New Maharishi Gandharva Veda course for women
8 February 2010 - (more)

New spas, scientific research highlight a year of health achievements
8 February 2010 - (more)

What's going on at Maharishi University of Management: '1-minute update'
8 February 2010 - (more)

Estonia: One per cent of population practises Transcendental Meditation - National coherence creates economic stability
7 February 2010 - (more)

Great Britain: Leading researcher demonstrates increased brain coherence during Transcendental Meditation
7 February 2010 - (more)

Netherlands: University researchers' interest sparked in Transcendental Meditation
7 February 2010 - (more)

Military returning from active duty find relief from stress through Transcendental Meditation: 'Like a weight taken off my shoulders'
6 February 2010 - (more)

Offering a variety of courses for healthier individuals and a healthy world: Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health
6 February 2010 - (more)

The world is my family at Maharishi University of Management
6 February 2010 - (more)

How to improve brain function through Transcendental Meditation: Research expert presents in UAE, Cyprus, Holland
5 February 2010 - (more)

Importance of food purity for healthy families, financial sustainability of countries, and living higher states of consciousness
5 February 2010 - (more)

Netherlands: Schools to offer excellence in education through Transcendental Meditation
5 February 2010 - (more)

New courses offer training for medical doctors in Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health
5 February 2010 - (more)

Film screening presents Dr David Lynch's message to students in Germany: 'All the good is there in the field of unity'
4 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management: A 'distinct voice' in developing sustainable teaching technologies
4 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture course to be held in Turkey
4 February 2010 - (more)

South Africa: Surge of interest in Transcendental Meditation after Johannesburg radio interview
4 February 2010 - (more)

Creating peace and invincibility for America: Maharishi Vedic City, USA
3 February 2010 - (more)

Global Mother Divine Organization active in more than 50 countries: Global achievements of 2009, goals for 2010
3 February 2010 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management students to become Teachers of Transcendental Meditation
3 February 2010 - (more)

Creating world harmony through connecting every individual and culture to the 'culturing intelligence of Natural Law'
2 February 2010 - (more)

Germany: David Lynch Foundation film screening draws capacity crowd
2 February 2010 - (more)

Turkey: Yogic Flyers inspired to create invincibility group for the nation
2 February 2010 - (more)

Film features benefits of Transcendental Meditation for ADHD, without side-effects of medication
1 February 2010 - (more)

International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education sets high goals for 2010: Ideal education, invincible nations, world peace
1 February 2010 - (more)

Munich, Germany: Donovan concert raises support for Consciousness-Based Education
1 February 2010 - (more)

New programmes bring Maharishi Ayur-Veda natural health care and integrative medicine to millions of Americans
1 February 2010 - (more)

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