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Collective consciousness of New York reflects rising quality of life, progress toward invincibility
31 August 2007 - (more)

Future results predicted for the Invincible America Assembly currently taking place in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA
31 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada, 22 August 2007
31 August 2007 - (more)

The principles of immortality found in Nature and our own human physiology - Part I
31 August 2007 - (more)

A new perspective on global investing: Managing global risk through coherent collective consciousness - Part II
30 August 2007 - (more)

Canada moving ahead on enlightened broadcasting and two Invincibility Schools
30 August 2007 - (more)

Peru: Earthquake spurs progress towards invincibility; Chile and Bolivia implement Consciousness-Based Education
30 August 2007 - (more)

The continuing results of the Invincible America Assembly currently taking place in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA - Part II
30 August 2007 - (more)

Celebrating the first month of the Global Raam Raj, 28 August 2007
29 August 2007 - (more)

Colombian priest supports Consciousness-Based Education; two more Venezuelan universities to implement programmes
29 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
29 August 2007 - (more)

Student successes shine at Maharishi School in England
29 August 2007 - (more)

A new perspective on global investing: Managing global risk through coherent collective consciousness - Part I
28 August 2007 - (more)

Dr Wynne urges support for groups of Yogic Flyers to create true sovereignty for every nation
28 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
28 August 2007 - (more)

Hamsa (Hungary) plans island College of Maharishi Vedic Medicine
28 August 2007 - (more)

The Institute of Noetic Sciences interviews Dr John Hagelin - Part I
28 August 2007 - (more)

The Institute of Noetic Sciences interviews Dr John Hagelin - Part II
28 August 2007 - (more)

Leaders and traditional kings from Native American nations visit Maharishi Vedic City, USA
27 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Poverty Removal Programme: Uplifting the health and vitality of nations through Vedic Organic Agriculture
27 August 2007 - (more)

Venezuela's hero of private education makes Consciousness-Based Education available to 40,000 students
27 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
26 August 2007 - (more)

The continuing results of the Invincible America Assembly currently taking place in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA - Part I
26 August 2007 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Health Care for realizing higher states of consciousness--Dr Rogers Badgett
25 August 2007 - (more)

Construction of Maharishi Central University in Kansas, USA, is progressing rapidly
25 August 2007 - (more)

Minnesota and St Vincent progress toward invincibility
25 August 2007 - (more)

Vedic Agriculture: Awakening Natural Law in the intelligence of the farmer and the plant
25 August 2007 - (more)

'Create anything out of anything': a Unified Field-Based approach to organic agriculture
24 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Spas in America provide model for other countries
24 August 2007 - (more)

Norway focuses on Invincibility Tower, schools, and hospital
24 August 2007 - (more)

Peru: Earthquake underlines urgent need for Invincibility
24 August 2007 - (more)

Belgium: Tower of Invincibility and school planned for Brussels
23 August 2007 - (more)

Dr David Lynch appears on Swiss television
23 August 2007 - (more)

Taking care of agriculture for the future sustenance, nourishment, and upliftment of the human race and for the invincibility of every nation
23 August 2007 - (more)

The art and science of realizing perfect health--Raja Rogers Badgett
23 August 2007 - (more)

Facilities planned for one thousand more Yogic Flyers to join Invincible America Assembly
22 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report fom Canada
22 August 2007 - (more)

Latin American countries express unprecedented support for Consciousness-Based Education
22 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Sthapatya Veda buildings for the good fortune of the farmer and his farming
22 August 2007 - (more)

Haiti takes new steps toward Invincibility
21 August 2007 - (more)

Hamsa (Hungary) enjoys progress in establishing Invincibility Schools
21 August 2007 - (more)

Israel progresses with plans, programmes to create invincibility
21 August 2007 - (more)

Malaysia: Going traditional with treatment
21 August 2007 - (more)

Vedic Organic Agriculture: Using Vedic sounds to effectively nourish the life of the plants
21 August 2007 - (more)

Enlivening infinite creativity in human awareness through the knowledge and experience of the Unified Field of Natural Law - Part III
20 August 2007 - (more)

Health care and education programmes of the Global Country of World Peace coming soon to Hawaii
20 August 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
20 August 2007 - (more)

Vedic Agriculture: Understanding the ten-fold nature of life in the growth and transformation of a plant
20 August 2007 - (more)

Invincibility rising in Argentina and Chile through illustrious mayor and educators
19 August 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news - Part I
19 August 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news - Part II
19 August 2007 - (more)

Vedic Agriculture promotes sequential unfoldment of the intelligence of the plant
19 August 2007 - (more)

Latin America: Forty-eight hours of rapid progress toward invincibility
18 August 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
18 August 2007 - (more)

Vedic Agriculture for fulfilment of life
18 August 2007 - (more)

Vedic Pandits' recitations live on Internet 24 hours a day
18 August 2007 - (more)

Bolivian mountain paradise home to 300 Yogic Flyers
17 August 2007 - (more)

Enlivening infinite creativity in human awareness through the experience of the Unified Field of Natural Law - Part II
17 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
17 August 2007 - (more)

Vedic farming: All of nature--the soil, the seed, and the weather--in favour of the life of the farmer
17 August 2007 - (more)

Enlivening infinite creativity in human awareness through the experience of the Unified Field of Natural Law - Part I
16 August 2007 - (more)

Global Ministry of Health researching new therapies to function at the quantum level of human physiology
16 August 2007 - (more)

New technology to preserve and promote Maharishi's Vedic Science based programmes
16 August 2007 - (more)

Brazil: Company in Rio to create Vedic community for its 700 employees
15 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
15 August 2007 - (more)

Serbian Organic Foundation bears fruit
15 August 2007 - (more)

Twelve projects moving ahead in Maharishi University of Management reconstruction
15 August 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris: The parental role of farmers for the whole nation
14 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
14 August 2007 - (more)

Groundbeaking in Germany stirs unprecedented response
14 August 2007 - (more)

Invincible Holland will be enshrined in new buildings
14 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture--providing invincible protection for the farmer and his farm
13 August 2007 - (more)

Plans progressing for construction in Austria
13 August 2007 - (more)

Rising invincibility in Chile, Panama, Angola, and Mozambique
13 August 2007 - (more)

Vision of an ideal city: Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA
13 August 2007 - (more)

Military educators in Latin America express interest in Consciousness-Based approach
12 August 2007 - (more)

New England breaks ground for Maharishi Academy and Tower of Invincibility
12 August 2007 - (more)

Statistics from 2006 show Holland ranks high among European neighbours and world
12 August 2007 - (more)

Vedic Agriculture: Understanding the influence of the sun, moon, and stars
12 August 2007 - (more)

Good news statistics from Holland for 2006: Quality of life
11 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Vedic City population growing; Vedic Pandits to inaugurate new Mandap building 12 August
11 August 2007 - (more)

Malaysia: Maharishi Ayur-Veda health care and Peace Palace
11 August 2007 - (more)

New Zealand and South Pacific groundbreaking celebrations
11 August 2007 - (more)

Australian magistrate presents Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique to legal system
10 August 2007 - (more)

Delegation of Native American leaders visits Maharishi Vedic City
10 August 2007 - (more)

Good news statistics from Holland for 2006: Economics
10 August 2007 - (more)

The ideal of Vedic rulership: Dr Benjamin Feldman, 29 July 2007 - Part I
10 August 2007 - (more)

A phase transition has taken place in the evolution of Britain's national consciousness
9 August 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris outlines Maharishi's plans for a perfect system of global administration through twelve Jyotirlingas of India
9 August 2007 - (more)

Ground-breaking for Maharishi Towers of Invincibility around the world
9 August 2007 - (more)

Top researchers strongly uphold rigorous research on health benefits of Transcendental Meditation
9 August 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin, President of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace, reviews transformation of civilization by permanent peace-creating assemblies
8 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
8 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi speaks to the Celebration of the Tower of Invincibility at Maharishi University of Management, 29 July 2007
8 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Towers of Invincibility: Beginning the pious action of construction in every country
8 August 2007 - (more)

Dr Benjamin Feldman introduces the Global Celebration of Guru Purnima, 29 July 2007
7 August 2007 - (more)

Global conference on Unified Field-Based Education
7 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
7 August 2007 - (more)

Moving from agricultural warfare to agreeing with the culturing agency of nature
7 August 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris describes a world without ill health - Part II
6 August 2007 - (more)

Global Country of World Peace in Italy acquires ideal site near Rome for creating Invincibility
6 August 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
6 August 2007 - (more)

Master Builder's technology for Vedic buildings
6 August 2007 - (more)

Bolivia surpasses requisite number of Yogic Flyers for Invincibility
5 August 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris describes a world without ill health - Part I
5 August 2007 - (more)

Reconstruction in Vedic America
5 August 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
5 August 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris cites three major successes at Guru Purnima celebration - Part One
4 August 2007 - (more)

Japan enjoys nationwide Guru Purnima celebrations
4 August 2007 - (more)

Macedonia plans Maharishi Central University
4 August 2007 - (more)

Raja Robert Wynne congratulates Maharishi University of Management for the first Tower of Invincibility in the world
4 August 2007 - (more)

Invincible America Assembly raises quality of life in US
3 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi reopens his organization throughout the UK
3 August 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
3 August 2007 - (more)

Rising invincibility in China celebrated during Guru Purnima
3 August 2007 - (more)

Royal campus for perfect health in Denmark
3 August 2007 - (more)

Lebanon: Foundation stone for Tower of Invincibility established on Guru Purnima
2 August 2007 - (more)

Meditators predict Dow 17,000, near US utopia
2 August 2007 - (more)

The offering of Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of India, on Guru Purnima day, 29 July 2007
2 August 2007 - (more)

Tower of Invincibility to be built in Australia
2 August 2007 - (more)

Maharishi celebrates first year anniversary of Invincible America assembly - Part 1
1 August 2007 - (more)

New high-class medical schools to be established in every country
1 August 2007 - (more)

Positive support for Maharishi Ayur Veda products in New Zealand
1 August 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
1 August 2007 - (more)

Towers of Invincibility inaugurated in Latin America on Guru Purnima, 2007
1 August 2007 - (more)

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