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Maharishi Sthapatya Veda homes for Rajas in Meru, Holland
30 April 2007 - (more)

On the basis of coherence, Switzerland is rising to invincibility
30 April 2007 - (more)

Perfect health and immortality conference summarized by Dr Bevan Morris - Part II
30 April 2007 - (more)

World-class Maharishi Ayur-Veda health centre in Bad Ems, Germany
30 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Robert Keith Wallace on immortality - our birthright, Part II
29 April 2007 - (more)

Perfect Health and Immortality conference summary by Dr Bevan Morris - Part I
29 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
29 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Robert Keith Wallace on immortality - our birthright, Part I
28 April 2007 - (more)

Raja John Konhaus speaks on Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
28 April 2007 - (more)

David Lynch to announce plan to end school violence: Teach one million students to meditate
27 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi explains the new Kurma Chakra calendar
27 April 2007 - (more)

Raja Rogers Badgett's accomplishments celebrated
27 April 2007 - (more)

The Raj, in Iowa USA, named one of ten great health spas
27 April 2007 - (more)

Twelve countries in Latin America set to achieve invincibility this spring and summer
27 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris on the role of architecture in Education for Enlightenment - Part IV
26 April 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin: Modern quantum physics reveals the basis of immortality, Part II
26 April 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
26 April 2007 - (more)

Raja Rogers Badgett encourages everyone to take advantage of Maharishi's programmes
26 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris on Education for Enlightenment - Part III
25 April 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin: Modern quantum physics reveals the basis of immortality, Part I
25 April 2007 - (more)

Happiness is the natural result of proper health
25 April 2007 - (more)

Belgium: American doctor exports 'stress-free school' to Europe
24 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris on Education for Enlightenment - Part II
24 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
24 April 2007 - (more)

Research on Transcendental Meditation makes news worldwide
24 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris on Education for Enlightenment - Part I
23 April 2007 - (more)

Governments urged to adopt new 'Unified Field-Based' health system to promote perfect health and immortality
23 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi's message to the world press: 'Live your birthright, which is invincible and immortal'
23 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Bevan Morris elaborates on Maharishi's message from Akshaya Tritiya
22 April 2007 - (more)

Governments urged to adopt Consciousness-Based Education to boost national creativity and prevent crime and violence
22 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
22 April 2007 - (more)

The peace plan of David Lynch
22 April 2007 - (more)

Akshaya Tritiya message of Maharaja Nader Raam
21 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Feldman presents Invincibility Schools Project
21 April 2007 - (more)

Immortality through reversal of ageing
21 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
21 April 2007 - (more)

Akshaya Tritiya: Maharishi's message
20 April 2007 - (more)

Global Financial Capital of New York offers scientific knowledge to reconstruct entire world: Maharishi's message to the world press
20 April 2007 - (more)

Replay of Akshaya Tritiya celebration
20 April 2007 - (more)

UN, government leaders offered comprehensive programme to eliminate problems through Vedic architecture and city planning
20 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Eike Hartmann: The concept of the Brahmasthan and the Invincible City
19 April 2007 - (more)

Live broadcast of Akshaya Tritiya celebration, 20 April 2007
19 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi calls upon the world press to report Dr John Hagelin's address on invincible defence
19 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
19 April 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin offers a proven new technology to secure invincibility for the nation
18 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi addresses the conference on Global Reconstruction of the World
18 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news - Part I
18 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news - Part II
18 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Eike Hartmann presents Vedic Architecture and the Reconstruction of the World
17 April 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
17 April 2007 - (more)

Proper education should develop the whole brain
17 April 2007 - (more)

Dr Ashley Deans to speak in Edinburgh on stress-free schools
16 April 2007 - (more)

Education conference third in series of live broadcasts from Global Financial Capital of New York
16 April 2007 - (more)

Expert discusses scientific studies on Vedic Architecture
16 April 2007 - (more)

Peace overtures pegged to Invincible America Assembly
16 April 2007 - (more)

Film director pursues happiness in Transcendental Meditation
15 April 2007 - (more)

Live broadcasts continue in Global Conference series from the Global Financial Capital of New York
15 April 2007 - (more)

Nearly 500 Vedic Pandits in Iowa, USA
15 April 2007 - (more)

New Zealand's coherence-creating centre
15 April 2007 - (more)

Pioneering educator offers to create stress-free schools in Scotland
15 April 2007 - (more)

Creating high level medical colleges in every country
14 April 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin's powerful message to the military leaders of the world - Part III
14 April 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
14 April 2007 - (more)

Replay of the Global Conference broadcast from the Global Financial Capital of New York
14 April 2007 - (more)

Tour inspires European educators
14 April 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin's powerful message to the military leaders of the world - Part II
13 April 2007 - (more)

Investment opportunity to reconstruct the world through the Global Financial Capital of New York
13 April 2007 - (more)

Latin America: Bolivia quickly rising to invincibility
13 April 2007 - (more)

Sweden: A long tradition of peace
13 April 2007 - (more)

David Lynch's compound harmonizes work, Yoga
12 April 2007 - (more)

Dr John Hagelin's powerful message to the military leaders of the world - Part I
12 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi calls on the World Press to take Dr John Hagelin's message of Invincibility to the governments of their nations
12 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
12 April 2007 - (more)

Spain moves towards invincibility
12 April 2007 - (more)

Denmark invites students, scholarships available
11 April 2007 - (more)

Investment opportunities through the Global Financial Capital of New York
11 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi Spa most popular in Serbia
11 April 2007 - (more)

Malaysia: Consciousness-Based Education blossoming
11 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
11 April 2007 - (more)

Global Financial Capital of New York offers a new approach
10 April 2007 - (more)

Malaysia: Land for Peace Palace acquired
10 April 2007 - (more)

New land secured in Australia
10 April 2007 - (more)

Progress in creating invincibility in Belgium
10 April 2007 - (more)

Serbia: New foundation for Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
10 April 2007 - (more)

Filmmaker David Lynch discusses the secret of his creativity: Transcendental Meditation
9 April 2007 - (more)

Gandharvan demonstrates 'A' reverberating throughout the physiology
9 April 2007 - (more)

Peru will be invincible in the month of May
9 April 2007 - (more)

Recommendations for corporate executives - Part II
9 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi brings to light the most delicate level of the Constitution of the Universe on the third day of Raam Nomi
8 April 2007 - (more)

Norway: Coherence rises
8 April 2007 - (more)

Raja Harris Kaplan and Dr Vernon Katz express appreciation for Maharishi's discourse of Pure Knowledge
8 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
8 April 2007 - (more)

Warm welcome to America for Dr Ramakrishna, to bless the nation with perfect health
8 April 2007 - (more)

A direct message to the military leaders and military intelligence of the world from Dr John Hagelin - Part VI
7 April 2007 - (more)

Consciousness-Based Education: Schools to develop the full creative potential of every student
7 April 2007 - (more)

Filmmaker David Lynch brings his consciousness to Iowa
7 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi comments on Dr Hagelin's message: Tomorrow's military to be a military of Yogic Flyers
7 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi School students honored in Merit Scholarship programme
7 April 2007 - (more)

David Lynch discusses connection between Transcendental Meditation and creativity at the AFI Dallas International Film Festival
6 April 2007 - (more)

News from Invincible Holland
6 April 2007 - (more)

The experience of Totality through Maharishi's Technologies of Consciousness
6 April 2007 - (more)

A direct message to the military leaders and military intelligence of the world from Dr John Hagelin - Part IV
5 April 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
5 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management to host Second Annual David Lynch Weekend
5 April 2007 - (more)

Peace project ceramics in prestigious Scripps Exhibition
5 April 2007 - (more)

A direct message to the military leaders and military intelligence of the world from Dr John Hagelin - Part III
4 April 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
4 April 2007 - (more)

Maharishi University of Management: 53 computer students arrive from 16 different countries, over 450 now enrolled
4 April 2007 - (more)

The significance of the Raam Mudra circulating in the world
4 April 2007 - (more)

A direct message to the military leaders and military intelligence of the world from Dr John Hagelin - Part II
3 April 2007 - (more)

Construction begins for Canada's first Peace Colony
3 April 2007 - (more)

Entire community in the Bolivian Andes learns Transcendental Meditation
3 April 2007 - (more)

Good news report from Canada
3 April 2007 - (more)

A direct message to the military leaders and military intelligence of the world from Dr John Hagelin - Part I
2 April 2007 - (more)

A Vedic security strategy for India
2 April 2007 - (more)

Raam Raj as the embodiment of 'A' -- Raja Peter Warburton
2 April 2007 - (more)

Raja John Konhaus on Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture and the removal of poverty
2 April 2007 - (more)

Report from Canada: Good news
1 April 2007 - (more)

Transcendental Meditation good for heart health, new academic study shows
1 April 2007 - (more)

Vedic Health Exhibition and the living embodiments of Ayurveda
1 April 2007 - (more)

Video features students practising Transcendental Meditation in Latin America
1 April 2007 - (more)

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