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'We can only wonder what Dr Nader's discovery will inspire everyone to discover'
by Global Good News staff writer

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11 January 2014

At a conference yesterday in the Netherlands, Dr Volker Schanbacher reflected on the very great contribution to scientific knowledge made by Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD.

Dr Schanbacher, a physicist, is President of Maharishi University of World Peace and Minister of Education of the Global Country of World Peace.* During the conference Dr Nader was honoured for his discovery that human physiology is the expression of Veda and the Vedic literature.

See related article:
Netherlands: Conference honours Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD

'Looking over the last several centuries in the development of science,' Dr Schanbacher said, 'what we see is that there are very special moments where someone [sows] a seed, and from the seed evolves a complete new area of science.'

Giving several examples, he said, 'when planetary motion was discovered, this initiated a new era. Or when Newton formulated his laws—the law of gravity and the other laws of motion—a new area evolved and developed, and was pursued by many, many more scientists. And the same with quantum theory.'

Then, however, 'what happens is that for a long, long time, people just stay on this area. They cannot imagine that something completely new will come out.'

Under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Nader 'brought something out that is completely new, completely different to what science did before,' Dr Schanbacher said. To give the audience an understanding of the full significance of Dr Nader's discovery, he reflected further on a previous important era when the first seeds of tremendous scientific progress were being sown.

'Around 1900 all the physicists and many scientists thought that the mechanical understanding of the world is the supreme understanding. They thought that now they have discovered everything,' and just needed to refine it.

But other scientists came along at that time, including Max Planck, he explained, saying that 'there is something different' that needs to be looked into. 'It took some time,' Dr Schanbacher said, 'and the seed form was laid for a completely new scientific approach'—the development of modern quantum theory. 'Like this there are very specific moments in the development of science.'

Dr Schanbacher gave appreciation to the profound step in the evolution of modern science created by Maharishi. 'Maharishi brought in the element of consciousness—that consciousness underlies all the objective creation, and he referred modern science back to consciousness, to his own Vedic Science. Like this, when there is a seed, a complete new area can evolve.'

On the basis of the complete science of consciousness brought to light from the Vedic literature by Maharishi, the seed that Dr Nader introduced 'is that Veda can be found in the physiology—physiology as the expression of the Veda and the Vedic literature.'

Through the practice of Maharishi's technologies of consciousness, Transcendental Meditation and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, people have begun experiencing what it means to have Veda at the basis of the human physiology, he said. 'But just as in the past, when the seed was given, then a whole new area could begin to develop.

'We can only wonder what Dr Nader's discovery will inspire everyone to discover, in the very deep secrets within our own physiology.

So far most scientists do not understand that 'there are deepest secrets that are not so far revealed', Dr Schanbacher said, again drawing a parallel to earlier times. 'But if you go deep into them, a complete new science will come out, and we're all just looking forward' to the new layers of knowledge Dr Nader will bring out—'to give a complete new understanding of the world, to give a new understanding of our own physiology'.

Dr Nader brought out 'knowledge that has real application to bring fulfilment to the whole of life. It isn't just the intellectual understanding—it gives the possibility for everyone to really enjoy bliss and fulfilment in life.'

In appreciation for his achievements in illuminating Vedic Science in the light of modern science, Dr Nader was honoured by Maharishi with the title 'Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam' and given responsibility for guiding the Global Country of World Peace.

* The Global Country of World Peace was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a consortium of educational organizations in more than 100 countries working to create a new era of peace, progress, and prosperity in the world family. It is a 'nation without borders', a home for peace-loving people everywhere.

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