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Norwegian researcher, MUM faculty member, publishes study on peak experiences in top performers

Maharishi University of Management - The Review    Translate This Article
29 June 2012

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Dr. Harald Harung, of the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences in Norway, has published a paper on peak experiences in world-class performers, finding that during optimal performance they spontaneously experience the four higher states of consciousness described by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Dr Harung is also an adjunct faculty researcher at Maharishi University of Management.

Published in the Journal of Human Values, the paper* reviews research on peak experiences, including four quantitative studies Dr. Harung has coauthored on world-class performers in management, sports, classical music, and a variety of professions.

In these four studies,** the brains of the world-class performers were found to have specific characteristics, significantly more so than the controls. The top performers and controls also reported on their subjective experiences during peak performance.

In the current paper Dr. Harung presents a selection of clearly articulated peak experiences reported by these world-class performers to illustrate the subjective or inner nature of optimal performance.

He found their performance to be characterized by inner calmness and happiness amidst dynamic activity, maximum wakefulness, effortlessness and ease of functioning, and a sense of perfection.

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page.

© Copyright 2012 Maharishi University of Management

Global Good News comment:

* Harung, H. S. (2012). Illustrations of Peak Experiences during Optimal Performance in World-class Performers: Integrating Eastern and Western Insights. Journal of Human Values, 18(1), 33-52, doi:10.1177/097168581101800104.

** See related article:
New Unified Theory of Performance reflects higher mind-brain development seen in world-class performers—part of a series about this body of research by Dr. Harung and colleagues, which is discussed in a new paper published in June 2012 in Cognitive Processing. The article includes references to the earlier studies.

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