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Explaining the significance of 'peer-review' in publication of research on Transcendental Meditation

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16 July 2011

What is 'peer-reviewed'?

What does it mean that there are over 300 peer-reviewed scientific studies published on the Transcendental Meditation program?

Every year, the major scientific journals each receive hundreds of research studies on various topics, submitted by scientists around the world who wish to share their research findings with other scientists and the academic community.

The submitted studies are read by an editorial board of scientists: the research is peer-reviewed—scrutinized by other scientific minds to determine which studies reflect the highest standards of science and which are most promising. Will the study advance a particular field of science? Might the research a make a significant contribution to society? An editorial board's intention is to select only the strongest studies for publication.

Studies can be rejected for many reasons: if they contain statistical errors or do not use sufficient controls; if they merely reiterate facts already known or their conclusions are not well supported by the data.

The fact that hundreds of research studies on the Transcendental Meditation technique have survived the independent, peer-review process and been accepted for publication in the most prestigious journals is a testament to the strength of the science validating the TM program.

Click here for more about research on Transcendental Meditation, including studies on cardiovascular disease funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States; complete reference information for studies in many categories; as well as a list of 160 U.S. and international peer-reviewed journals that have published research on the Transcendental Meditation program.

© Copyright 2011 American Association of Physicians Practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique

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