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'The Origin of the Universe and the Nature of Consciousness': Dr John Hagelin - special webcast continues through 28 February

Transcendental Meditation - USA
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11 February 2011

A special online video webcast features a presentation by world-renowned quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin.* Titled 'The Origin of the Universe and the Nature of Consciousness', this presentation has been described as 'an extraordinary tour of the universe with one of the great visionary scientists of our time'.

The webcast by Dr Hagelin, who is also Director of the Transcendental Meditation® program in the United States, is being shown online through 28 February 2011.

The presentation has been prepared specifically for practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation program. Click here to watch Dr Hagelin's webcast. The presentation lasts about one hour.

Dr. Hagelin offers a fascinating exploration of the origin of the universe, the nature of consciousness, and the vast range of human potential. Elucidating the latest breakthroughs of modern science and the most ancient wisdom of mankind, Dr. Hagelin offers an all-encompassing perspective of humanity that is both visionary and practical.

The presentation is a wonderful introduction to his upcoming online course, Foundations of Physics and Consciousness.**

In addition, Dr. Hagelin presents an exciting review of the recent star-studded gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, which has helped make the Transcendental Meditation program available to thousands of veterans with PTSD, students in inner-city schools, the homeless, and other at-risk populations.

Dr. Hagelin conducted pioneering research at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and SLAC (the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). He is responsible for the development of a highly successful Grand Unified Field Theory, which was featured on the cover of Discover Magazine.

Dr. Hagelin was named winner of the prestigious Kilby Award, recognizing him as ''a scientist in the tradition of Einstein, Jeans, Bohr, and Eddington.'' The Kilby Award is presented to scientists who have made ''major contributions to society through their applied research in the fields of science and technology.''

* Dr Hagelin is also President of the David Lynch Foundation; Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense and the Center for Leadership Performance; Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management; Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace.

** Click here for more information about this course to be offered online via the Distance Education programme at Maharishi University of Management. Course prerequisites include practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique.

© Copyright 2011 Maharishi University of Management

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