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Modern science and ancient Vedic Science reveal knowledge of universe
by Global Good New staff writer

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15 December 2010

As the Voyager 1 spacecraft journeys to the edge of the solar system and beyond, quantum physicist Dr Eckart Stein reflects on the process of gaining knowledge through the objective approach of modern science and the subjective approach of ancient Vedic Science.

Launched 33 years ago, Voyager 1 is now 17.4 billion kilometres (10.8 billion miles) from the Sun and is expected to enter interstellar space in the next few years. Throughout its journey, it has revealed new and often surprising information and images to scientists.

This is the objective approach of modern science, said Dr Stein, speaking on 15 December. An expert in quantum chromodynamics and also Director of Education for the Global Country of World Peace in Germany, Dr Stein studied the path of Voyager 1 as a university student in the late 1980s.

While the information that the spacecraft reveals is important, he said, it is also important to 'study what is inside your Self', through Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Vedic Science and technologies of consciousnessTranscendental Meditation and its advanced techniques, including the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and Yogic Flying.

It is fortunate in this scientific age, he continued, that the objective approach of modern science and the subjective approach of Vedic Science have been brought together. Each confirms the other.

'The discovery of the Unified Field [for example] tells us that there is pure subjectivity at the basis of creation, and that this pure subjectivity can be experienced in the Self* of everyone—and that it can be enlivened in the Self of everyone and in the whole of society.'

The Voyager shows 'the quest for knowledge from outside, the quest to see the boundaries of space and time, or at least of the solar system,' he said. It has its importance in the structure of the totality of knowledge. However, those who practise Maharishi's technologies 'always have in mind that we have everything within our own Self—we don't have to go so far,' he commented, to experience the ultimate reality of existence, the field of total Natural Law.

* The field of Transcendental Consciousness, experienced through the Transcendental Meditation Programme as the silent, unbounded field of pure awareness at the basis of the mind's activity. This infinite field of pure intelligence is also understood in both Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Vedic Science and modern science as the Unified Field of total Natural Law at the basis of the entire physical universe.

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