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Recent EEG research increases understanding of long-term benefits of Transcendental Meditation: Increased orderliness and integration in brain functioning
by Global Good New staff writer

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27 February 2009

Recent EEG research increases understanding of how the long-term practice of Transcendental Meditation results in increased orderliness and integration in brain functioning, creating a more orderly, efficient, quiet state of mind, even when it is fully engaged in activity.

Research studies over the past thirty years have consistently shown that the silent state of Transcendental Consciousness experienced during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme is increasingly stabilized in the functioning of the awareness. This is indicated by increased stabilization in EEG coherence.

Studies also show that the longer an individual has been practising Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, the more the stabilization of EEG coherence.

Raja Michael Dillbeck, PhD, an expert in the extensive body of scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme, recently reported that early research studies showed the increase of silence in the awareness during the practice. 'More recent studies,' he said, 'have demonstrated that, as opposed to in the control groups, the stabilization of EEG coherence also happens during activity, while the mind is actively functioning.'

The studies also show that the mind is more efficient in Transcendental Meditation practitioners than in the control groups: it is more prepared to make decisions when necessary, and maintains a more stable, quiet state when nothing needs to be done.

Results of studies on long-term meditators demonstrate that the growth of silence in the functioning of the mind, and the growth of orderliness and integration in the functioning of the brain over the different brain areas and frequencies, is a very real and very profound phenomenon. 'They show that the state of Transcendental Consciousness can be stabilized in the individual and that the inner quietude and bliss associated with this state can be stabilized as a permanent reality for everyone,' Raja Dillbeck said.

'This more efficient and quiet state of the mind is the birthright of everyone. Everyone should be having this experience as part of his or her educational process.

'This state of Transcendental Consciousness is the basis for ideal citizenship, life free from mistakes and problems, and the ability to automatically contribute most to society,' Raja Dillbeck concluded. 'That is the state we want to culture in everyone—life in fulfilment.'

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